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2020 Meetings

2020-02-10 BaseXClient and Poetry

Ian has continued his investigations into the BaseXClient python module. He will use jupyter-notebook so that you can review the python code executing and utilizing the BaseX applications which in turn use xml files for creating their database.

The never ending story of Python packaging standards. There is a new kid on the block, called "Poetry" ( Let's have a look at it together.

2020-03-09 Introduction to Python and Kivy Demo

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an introduction into Python, suited for beginners and very good refresher for intermediate users.

Ian Stewart will quickly demo a "Hello World" application that utilizes the Kivy framework ( for writing cross-platform applications. This application runs on his Linux laptop and his Android phone.

2020-04-20 Manipulating Constants

A computer program will launch using its default parameters. During the launch it may read its configuration file and update some of these parameters. After this the launching command line arguments may again change these parameters. Ian Stewart will present on his way of manipulating these parameter "constants".

2020-05-18 Laby the Ant and Manipulation of PulseAudio

The Laby application ( is designed to help you learn programming languages and this includes the Python language. The programs you write need to guide an ant through a labyrinth full of rocks and spider webs until the ant gets to the escape door. Ian Stewart will demonstrate some of the code that he has written in Python for his ant.

Peter Reutemann got annoyed at his laptop dock always reverting the audio settings on Linux, so he decided to see whether it was possible to manipulate pulseaudio from Python. The result: a bunch of command-line tools and a tray-icon application for managing profiles.

2020-06-08 GStreamer

GStreamer ( ) is a pipeline-based multimedia framework. Although it is written in C it has Python bindings. Ian Stewart has been writing small python programs that highlight features of GStreamer. Ian will provide an overview of GStreamer and present his python code.

2020-07-13 PyDub and Paeamiko Libraries

Peter Reutemann will demo some basic ways of manipulating audio files using the PyDub library.

Ian Stewart will revisit the Paramiko library, which implements the SSHv2 protocol and offers client and server functionality.


The usage of within Python for interacting with today's teenager social platform, discord. Today, discord is a multi-utility chat service used by millions of people. So how can we as developers jump on the trend and begin integrating our software with the service? Ethan McKee-Harris will answer this question.

2020-09-14 Introduction to Python - Continued

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will continue with his introduction to Python, demonstrating some more advanced features like reflection, decorators, properties and lexical binding.

2020-10-12 Questions and Answers session

Rather than presenting on a specific topic, we will have a Q&A session instead. So bring your laptop and Python questions along and we will try to solve them together.

2020-11-09 Tools to turn Python programs into Debian packages

Peter Reutemann will talk about tools that can turn your Python programs into Debian packages, making them easy to install for Linux users that run Debian/Ubuntu systems, and discuss their pros and cons..

2020-12-14 Python Games

Let's do something a bit different for our last meeting this year: Python games! Lawrence came across a repository of free Python games aimed at education and fun ( Together we can have a play and a nosy under the hood of the games themselves.

Feel free to bring your laptop along!