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The HamburgChimps AVL Tree

An implementation of an AVL tree in c.

For demonstration purposes, this repo contains a test harness and a Makefile to compile and link the avl implementation and test harness. You can then execute the test harness with /.hc_avl_test. This assumes an OS with make and gcc.


hc_avl_init() -> hc_avl*

Initialize an AVL tree for usage.

hc_avl_insert(hc_avl* t, const char* k, const char* v) -> void

Insert into the t a node with key k and value v.

hc_avl_traverse(hc_avl* t, int order_flag) -> void

Traverse the given tree t in the order indicated by order_flag and print each node's key and value along the way.

Pass order_flag as -1 to execute pre-order traversal.

Pass order_flag as 0 to execute in-order traversal.

Pass order_flag as 1 to execute post-order traversal.

Pass order_flag as 2 to execute level-order (breadth-first) traversal.

Any other order_flag value will result in in the function doing nothing.

int hc_avl_get_height(hc_avl* t) -> int

Get the height of the given tree t.

hc_avl_delete_key(hc_avl* t, const char* k) -> void

Deletes the node with key k in the tree t, if it exists.

hc_avl_print(hc_avl* t) -> void

Print the contents of the tree t.

hc_avl_destroy(hc_avl** t) -> void

Destroy the given tree t.


An implementation of an AVL tree in c







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