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Kittiporn Theamnooch edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 2 revisions


Most of the time student and stuff at KU conduct research by using polls and surveys and usually the polls or surveys contain inputs for making decisions, planning events, and learning others' preferences and ideas.

The polls or surveys in KU is mostly multiple choice where visitors select their answers by choosing an answer from a list of choices. Some polls also provide a textual response

There are applications for this on the Internet, such as Google Forms and SurveyMonkey, but they all have limitations or unwanted features. Google Forms is clumsy and has no automatic way to set a start and end date.

SurveyMonkey has limits on free forms, including limits on the number of survey items and number of responses. And no way to limit respondents to people at KU.


For KU student and stuff to create a polls or surveys to use within KU community, The application is easy to use web application which let people create or participate in the polls or surveys or modify polls in the set period of time

  1. Landing page shows a list of available poll questions:


  1. Authenticated user can submit his choice on a poll. In this mock-up the user has not authenticated yet, so there is a "Please Login" link instead of "Submit Vote" button:


Main features

  1. People can create poll or survey questions with multiple choices and a specified start and stop date (the polling period).

  2. Visitors can submit a response during the polling period.

  3. Visitors can revisit a poll page to view his/her response, and can change it during the polling period.

  4. No responses or changes to response are allowed after a poll's end date.

  5. Poll questions are not visible before a poll's starting date.

  6. Anyone can view the results of a poll question at any time after the starting date.