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Running the project

npm i && npm run build:css

Folder Structure

    ├── public --------- Static assets holder
    │   └── images --------- Contain all images
    │   └── fonts ---------- Font resources
    ├── css --------- style config
    │   └── tailwind.css --------- Component styling
    │   └── fonts.css ---------- Font styling
    │   └── index.css ---------- Main stylesheet
    ├── tailwind.config.js --------- Global style config
    ├── index.html - all pages
    └── <html files> ----- all pages html files

Project Structure

This document outlines the organization of the project's files and directories. Each part of the structure serves a specific purpose in the overall architecture of the project.


The public directory is a container for all static assets that are used in the project. These assets are typically not changed by the server or by client-side scripts.


This folder stores all the image files used throughout the project. This includes graphics such as icons, photographs, and logos.


The fonts folder holds all the custom font files that the project may require. These fonts can be referenced in the CSS files to ensure consistent typography across the project.


The css directory contains the stylesheets that dictate the look and feel of the project.


The tailwind.css file includes styles from the Tailwind CSS framework. Tailwind provides utility classes that can be used to build custom designs directly in the HTML files.


This stylesheet is dedicated to font-related styles. It typically includes @font-face declarations and rules for font sizes, weights, and styles to be used across the project.


The index.css file is the primary stylesheet for the project. It may contain global styles that apply to the entire site, such as resets, default typography, and layout configurations.


The tailwind.config.js file is the configuration file for Tailwind CSS. It allows customization of the Tailwind framework to fit the project's design requirements, including defining themes, extending existing classes, and controlling the generation of utility styles.

The file provides documentation for the project. It typically includes information on how to set up, configure, and run the project, as well as any other necessary instructions or useful information.


The index.html file is the main HTML document of the project. It serves as the entry point for the website and typically contains the structure and content for the homepage.

html files

This directory contains all other HTML files for the project, with each file representing a different page of the website. These files include the specific markup for each page and are linked from the index.html file or between each other.

By following this directory and file structure, the project maintains an organized and scalable framework, which can be easily understood and navigated by developers and contributors.


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