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It can download an entire subreddit to your drive without any data usage.

This method works on common web browser including Mobile and iOS devices. I'm an actual noob at this so don't judge me. Also I don't know if there's any licensing or copyright issue with this method. This code runs BFDR in your Google Collab. It copies the subreddit posts to your Google Drive. I did a bulk download of a subreddit to a folder and it worked fine for both videos and images. You should be able to run all bfdr commands with this. Here's the method.

I have attached an ipynb file. Download it then upload it into your Google drive. Now go to Click on top left menu. Click on Open Notebook. Select Google drive. Click on the file.I have given you. It will open up. Now click on the execute signs one by one, connect your google drive, but wait for the green ticks. Also at the last command, put your subreddit name and path to where you want to drop those files. More detail on the last command is given below and also at BFDR page right here I suggest you read the method below if you're confused.

If you want to make the notebook file yourself do this method.

Sign into your Google Account Go to Click on New Notebook if shown or click the top left menu > File > New Notebook A new tab will open with a an empty box. Paste this in the box

from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/gdrive/', force_remount=True)

Click on execute (play sign)

It will ask to Connect to Drive. Click on it. Then choose your drive account you want to download the subreddit in. Sign in if you have to and click on Allow. You will be returned to the notebook page and it shoud say Mounted at Google Drive.

Now click on the + sign on top another box will open, Paste and Execute this

#install python 3.9 !sudo apt-get update -y !sudo apt-get install python3.9 #change alternatives !sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.8 1 !sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.9 2

Click + Sign again, paste and Execute this

# install pip for new python  !sudo apt-get install python3.9-distutils !wget !python # credit of these last two commands blongs to @Erik # install colab's dependencies !python -m pip install ipython ipython_genutils ipykernel jupyter_console prompt_toolkit h # link to the old google package !ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/google 

Now to check if Python 3.9 has installed properly Click on + Sign again and execute this

!python --version

It should return with Python 3.9.16 or higher.

Now to install BFDR, Click on + Sign, Paste and execute this

!python3 -m pip install bdfr --upgrade

After it's done, you can use bfdr commands. You have to simply click on + sign and run your command. Most simple one is let's say you want to download the entire subreddit r/videogamedunkey. You run this command

!python3 -m bdfr download ./gdrive/MyDrive/ --subreddit videogamedunkey

It will start downloading this subreddit to a folder called videogamedunkey to your drive. It will take a lot of time depending on number of posts and whether they're images or videos. So you can simply limit the new 100 posts by putting this at end of your commans -L 100

The entire command will look like this !python3 -m bdfr download ./gdrive/MyDrive/ --subreddit videogamedunkey -L 100

Now once you're done using this I suggest you save this notebook for future use. You don't want to repeat this procedure again. For that click on top left menu click on file then Save a Copy in Drive. It will create this notebook into your drive within a folder called Collab Notebooks. Fir future you can just open this file into your browser and you won't have to paste anything this time. The procedure will be the same otherwise. Just remember to wait for the green tick to move to next execution(lol). I have also attached a screenshot of how it looks on my Android phone with Brave Browser.


It can download an entire subreddit to your drive without any data usage.







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