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NetFlow Anomaly Detection

Scalable, real-time anomaly detection on netflow data


The following section describes the setup of the system on Windows.


The system has the following dependencies:

  1. Apache ZooKeeper
  2. Apache Kafka
  3. Apache Flink
  4. VerizonDigital vFlow
  5. Plixer Flowalyzer
  6. IntelliJ IDEA


In the installation steps, specific file system paths are specified. It is adviced to follow these, since the provided bat files for running the various systems assume these paths are used.

Apache ZooKeeper

To install ZooKeeper, download the latest version and unzip the archive in c:\zookeeper.
Perform the following steps:

  1. Rename c:\zookeeper\conf\zoo_sample.cfg to zoo.cfg
  2. Open zoo.cfg and replace the line starting with dataDir by: dataDir=c:/zookeeper/zookeeperdata
  3. Update the Windows Environment Variables. Add in System Variables ZOOKEEPER_HOME = C:\zookeeper. Edit the System Variable named Path and append with ;%ZOOKEEPER_HOME%\bin;

Apache Kafka

To install Kafka, go to the Kafka Releases and choose the binary download of Kafka version with Scala version 2.10. It is important to match these settings, as other Kafka or Scala versions are incompatible with the Kafka Connector used in the code provided by this repository.
Perform the following steps:

  1. unzip the downloaded archive into c:\kafka
  2. edit c:\kafka\config\ and replace the line starting with log.dirs by: log.dirs=c:/kafka/kafka-logs

Apache Flink

To install Flink, go to the Flink Releases and select Binaries of Flink 1.2.0. Next, download the archive of Flink 1.2.0 with Hadoop 27 and Scala 2.10. If you use another Flink or Scala version, the used Flink Connector used in this repository will not work.
Perform the following steps:

  1. unzip the archive in c:\flink
  2. edit c:\flink\conf\zoo.cfg and replace the line starting with dataDir by: dataDir=c:/flink/zookeeper


vFlow is used to parse incoming NetFlows, convert them into JSON objects and insert them in a Kafka Topic.
To instal vflow, go the vFlow Releases and download the latest windows binary version.
Perform the following steps:

  1. Place the binary in c:\vflow
  2. Create c:\vflow\vflow.conf and add the line: stats-http-port: 80


Flowalyzer is used for generating NetFlows.
To install Flowalyzer, go to the Flowalyzer download page, fill in your details and hit download now.


IntelliJ is the recommended editor for compiling and executing Flink Jobs. Eclipse is known to have issues with mixed Scala and Java projects.
Download and install IntelliJ from IntelliJ Releases. Check the option to also install Maven, since this is used for running the code.
Import the project by following these steps:

  1. Start IntelliJ IDEA and choose "Import Project"
  2. Select the root folder of the Flink repository
  3. Choose "Import project from external model" and select "Maven"
  4. Leave the default options and click on "Next" until you hit the SDK section.
  5. If there is no SDK, create a one with the "+" sign top left, then click "JDK", select your JDK home directory and click "OK". Otherwise simply select your SDK.
  6. Continue by clicking "Next" again and finish the import.

Create a IntelliJ Build Artifact by:

  1. Go to Build and then to Build Artifacts and then to Edit
  2. Add a new Build Artifact
  3. Output the jar in: c:\flink\jars
  4. Choose as main class: org.tudelft.flink.streaming.heavyhitters.KafkaHeavyHitters

Create a Maven Run configuration by:

  1. Go to Run and then to Edit Configurations
  2. Add a new Maven configuration
  3. Specify the following command line argument: exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.tudelft.flink.streaming.heavyhitters.KafkaHeavyHitters "-Dexec.args=--topic vflow.netflow9 --bootstrap.servers localhost:9092 --zookeeper.connect localhost:2181 group1"

Running the System

To run the system you need to download all .bat files from the batfiles folder in this repository.
Next, perform the following steps:

  1. Run zookeeper.bat
  2. Run kafka-server.bat
  3. Run flow-to-kafka.bat
  4. Run Flowalyzer, switch to the Generator tab and switch to NetFlow v9. Also replace the UDP Port by: 4729, which is the port vflow is listening on
  5. Switch to IntelliJ and build the project [Ctrl+F9]
  6. Run the Maven run configuration that you prepared in IntelliJ
  7. Once the Flink Job is running, you can start generating NetFlows with Flowalyzer


Scalable, Real-Time Anomaly Detection on NetFlow data






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