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This is a static site template for using webpack2 and gulp with jekyll. It is heavily inspired by

Deployed and built using Netlify



  1. Install dependencies listed above
  2. Run bundle install && yarn to install other dependencies
  3. Finally, run gulp serve to start watching files

Writing Posts

To add new drafts, simply add a file in the posts/_drafts directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext and includes the necessary Front Matter at the top:

layout: single
title:  Example draft
date:   2016-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
categories: example

Once the draft is ready to publish, move the file to posts/_posts. Drafts will be viewable when served locally, but are not included in the production build.


Deploy this to the prod branch with gulp deploy. This will build a site for production, without draft posts. Built code lives in the dist directory.