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Unbrick and or Skip Uploaded PKG

HappyZ edited this page Feb 9, 2019 · 3 revisions


You have applied patch-updater-bash from script in diagnosis mode (new script after 02/09/2019, you can re-patch it if you haven't done so).

Brick condition:

  • when you flashed PKG and cannot get into normal system
  • or it stuck at the PKG flashing and never gets out.

Prevent permanent brick

Upon boot up, press physical HOME button before it checks PKG.

It will display bars on the top left of the screen, indicating count downs (3 seconds). Once it finds you pressed HOME button during the time, it will directly go into the diagnosis mode, bypassing any PKG files used for updates.

It does not modify anything else in the diagnosis mode. So if you have a PKG that modifies the system files in diagnosis mode, this method will not work.

Skip PKG update

It allows to change your mind before the update is been applied.

If you pressed POWER button before PKG updating (3 seconds, use bar displays as hint), it will remove the uploaded PKG file and boot directly into normal systems.