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Annotation Warmer

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When this bundle is installed and enabled it will make sure all your annotation metadata is cached when your container dependency container is built.

We also provide a command to validate that all annotations are properly loaded.


composer require happyr/annotation-warmer


We warm upp all classes in src by default. You may use a different configuration of paths if you like:

        - '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Message/Command'
        - '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Message/Event'

Linting annotations

To make sure your annotations are properly configured you may run the lint command:

bin/console lint:annotations


  • We assume that the classes in the specified paths are using PSR-4.
  • We also assume that all *.php files in the path has a class with the same as the filename.


We are only warming cache for annotations to the Serializer and Validation component.