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该项目不再维护。 新仓库地址:


  • AI 聊天:支持腾讯混元、讯飞星火等众多模型;
  • 入群欢迎
  • 插件系统 (尚在完善)



配置文件 ( (4.0以下版本)

class data:  # 不要动
    repliedList = []
    enabledModuleList = []
    blackList = []  # 哦这个可以动,把他qq号放进去他就用不了你的Bot了hh

class General:
    BotQQ = int("")  # 机器人的QQ号
    SelfQQ = int("")  # 你自己QQ号(这个QQ号将拥有对于Bot的管理权)
    bot_chatting = str(1)  # 聊天消息发送模式 0:使用reply事件回复 1:使用@回复 2:使用指定的命令回复(需要配置bot_chatting_cmd) QQ号:回复时@指定用户的QQ
    bot_chatting_cmd = ""
    filterList = []  # 当前被架空(悲
    default = "spark" # 默认聊天使用模型 hunyuan spark palm2 claude poe_gpt_3_5 poe_palm poe_llama poe_claude
    save_log = True # 是否保存日志
    github_token = ""
    github_username = ""
    # log_path = "" # 
    class Connection:
        type = "HTTP"  # ForwardWS HTTP , 仅使用OneBot协议时有效
        host = "" # 链接地址,HTTP协议建议0.0.0.0,其他建议127.0.0.1  目前强制向127.0.0.1上报消息发送、回复等内容 (记得按需编辑control.html,一般无需)
        port = 5004  # ForwardWS协议时OneBot通过这个端口建立连接
        port_http = 5003  # HTTP协议时HarcicQQBot通过这个端口向OneBot发送命令
        port_rev = 5002  # HTTP协议时OneBot向这个端口上报消息

class OpenAIOAPI:  # OpenAI官方API(因为付费制度被架空
    desc = "OpenAI_API"
    enabled = False
    key = ""

class OpenAIWeb:  # ChatGPT逆向工程API(因为Pyinstaller原因被架空
    desc = "ChatGPT_Web"
    enabled = False
    email = ""
    password = ""
    conversation_id = ""

class GoogleAI:  # Google AI Studio (官方)
    desc = "Google AI"
    enabled = False
    key = ""

class Claude:  # Claude逆向工程API 配置参考:
    desc = "Claude_Web"
    enabled = False
    conversation_id = ""
    cookies = ""

class Spark:  # 讯飞星火逆向工程API 配置参考:
    desc = "Spark_Web"
    enabled = True
    cookie = ""
    fd = ""
    gttoken = ""
    chat_id = ""

class StabilityDrawAPI:  # Stability API (官方)
    desc = "Drawing_API"
    enabled = True
    key = ""

class Poe:  # Poe逆向工程API 配置参考:
    class Bots:
        GPT_3_5_Turbo = "gpt3_5"
        PaLM = "acouchy"
        Llama = "llama_2_70b_chat"
        Claude = "a2"
        WebSearch = "websearch"
        Draw = "stablediffusionxl"

    desc = "poe_chats"
    enabled = False
    cookie = ""

class HunYuan:  # 腾讯混元逆向工程API 配置参考:
    desc = "HunYuan"
    enabled = True
    cookie = ""

class Hypixel:  # 查询Hypixel玩家信息
    desc = "Hypixel_Info"
    enabled = True
    key = ""

class Qwen:  # 实时爬取的Qwen(Cookie可以用Cookie Editor插件导出为JSON)
    desc = "Alibaba Qwen"
    cookieFile = "./Qwen.json"
    enabled = False

class OpenKeyAPI:  # I am not supposed to tell you what's this
    desc = "OpenKeyAPI"
    enabled = False
    key = ""

配置文件 (config.json) (4.0以上版本,配置方式仍然参照

  "Data": {
    "blackList": []
  "General": {
    "BotQQ": 0,
    "SelfQQ": [0],
    "bot_chatting": "1",
    "bot_chatting_cmd": "",
    "github_token": "",
    "github_username": "",
    "default": "gemini",
    "save_log": true,
    "Connection": {
      "type": "ForwardWS",
      "host": "",
      "port": 5004,
      "port_http": 5003,
      "port_rev": 5002
  "OpenAIOAPI": {
    "enabled": false,
    "key": ""
  "OpenAIWeb": {
    "enabled": false,
    "email": "",
    "password": "",
    "conversation_id": ""
  "GoogleAI": {
    "enabled": true,
    "key": ""
  "Claude": {
    "enabled": false,
    "conversation_id": "",
    "cookies": ""
  "Spark": {
    "enabled": true,
    "cookie": "",
    "fd": "",
    "gttoken": "",
    "chat_id": ""
  "StabilityDrawAPI": {
    "enabled": false,
    "key": ""
  "Poe": {
    "enabled": false,
    "cookie": ""
  "HunYuan": {
    "enabled": true,
    "cookie": ""
  "Baichuan": {
    "enabled": true,
    "key": "",
    "cookie": ""
  "Bing": {
    "enabled": true
  "Hypixel": {
    "enabled": false,
    "key": ""
  "OpenKeyAPI": {
    "enabled": false,
    "key": ""


  • 基本:
    • 与AI机器人聊天 .chat {message}
    • 设置AI机器人聊天使用的模型 .mode {mode} mode: - gpt_free; - claude; - palm2; - gemini; - spark; - hunyuan; - qwen; - baichuan; - poe_helper; - poe_gpt_3_5; - poe_web_gpt; - bing
    • 设置Bot回复模式 .bot_chatting {0/1/2} {cmd(第一个参数为2时需要指定)}
    • 获取当前信息 .info
    • 查询Hypixel玩家信息 .hypixel {PlayerName} (需要配置Hypixel API Key)
    • AI画图 .draw {prompt} (需要配置StabilityDrawAPI、Poe或####)
    • 发送群消息 .alert {group_id} {message}
    • 插件相关 .plugins
    • 重载配置文件 .reload


  • Remake in C++