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– In this project, I contributed to the validation and enhancement of the AdactIn Hotel Application using Automation Testing / Manual Testing . The primary objective was to ensure accurate order ID generation during hotel reservations. – in Java using Selenium WebDriver, JUnit, and Cucumber for the AdactIn Hotel App. – IDE and Dependency Management: Utilized Eclipse IDE and Maven to streamline development and ensure code consistency. – Validated login functionality, ensuring successful authentication. – Verified that the check-out date field correctly accepts dates later than the check-in date. – Calculated total prices accurately based on room rates, duration, and additional charges. – Ensured alignment between booking confirmation details and user selections. – This project honed my skills in test automation, Java programming, and collaboration within an Agile development environment. It showcases my ability to contribute to quality assurance processes and enhance user experiences

Feature: validation of Adactin Hotel Web Application of Order Id Generation Background: Given User should launch the Adactin Hotel Web Application Url

 Scenario: validate login page with valid credentials
 When User should enter valid username and password
 And Click login Button


 When User should select location from dropdown
 And User should select Hotel from dropdown
 And User should select Room Type from dropdown
 And User should select No of Rooms from dropdown
 And User should Enter Checkin Date as per the Format mentioned
 And User should Enter Checkout Date as per the Format mentioned
	 And User should select Adults per Room from dropdown
 And User should select Children per Room from dropdown
	 And click Search button
	 When user should select the checklist 
	 And click Continue button
	 When User should Enter First Name in the TextBox
	 And User should Enter Last Name in the TextBox
	 And User should Enter Billing Address in the TextBox
	 And User should Enter Credit Card No as per the Format mentioned in the TextBox
	 And User should select Credit Card Type from dropdown
	 And User should select  Month and Year from Expiry Date dropdown
	 And User should Enter CVV Number in the CVV Number TextBox
	 And click BookNow button
	 Then verify and Order id should be displayed to the User
	 Scenario Outline: validation login page with valid and invalid credentials 
	 When User should enter valid "<username>" and "<password>"
 And Click login Button
 Then user able view error message