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walle-ble is Android Bluetooth Low Energy tool.


Function & Features

  • Simplify bluetooth connection and operation.
  • Scanning equipment function.
  • Supports multiple bluetooth solutions.
  • Support for command queue execution.

Bluetooth low energy flow




maven { url "" }


implementation 'com.github.HarlanSong:walle-ble:1.0.21'

Add permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />


Scanning page


String[] scanFilterName = {"NB-202"};
Intent intent = new Intent(this, DeviceScanActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("showSignalStrength", false);
intent.putExtra("scanFilterName", scanFilterName);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_BIND_DEVICE);
  • REQUEST_BIND_DEVICE Custom callback constants(int)*
  • scanFilterName Filter Name
  • showSignalStrength Whether to display signal strength value

Device selection successful

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
	if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && REQUEST_BIND_DEVICE == requestCode) {
		String name = data.getStringExtra("name");
		String macAddress = data.getStringExtra("macAddress");
		Toast.makeText(this, "name:" + name + " macAddress:" + macAddress, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
		BleUtil.connectDevice(this, name, macAddress);

Custom scan page.

Start scan

BleUtil.startScan(final Context context)

Stop scan

BleUtil.stopScan(Context context)

Add results to listen for broadcasts

IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
registerReceiver(scanResultBroadcastReceiver, intentFilter);

Example results

BroadcastReceiver scanResultBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        if (WalleBleService.ACTION_SCAN_RESULT.equals(intent.getAction())) {
            BluetoothDeviceEntity device = new BluetoothDeviceEntity();
            device.setRssi(intent.getIntExtra("rssi", 0));
        } else if (WalleBleService.ACTION_SCAN_TIMEOUT.equals(intent.getAction())) {
            mScanning = false;



Listen for device connection status

 private BroadcastReceiver bleReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String action = intent.getAction();
            if (WalleBleService.ACTION_CONNECTED_SUCCESS.equals(action)) {

            } else if (WalleBleService.ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED.equals(action)) {

            } else if (WalleBleService.ACTION_DEVICE_RESULT.equals(action)) {
				      String uuid = intent.getStringExtra("uuid");
							ArrayList<Integer> dataArray = intent.getIntegerArrayListExtra("data");
							byte[] srcData = intent.getByteArrayExtra("srcData");
  • ACTION_CONNECTED_SUCCESS Connection successful
  • ACTION_DEVICE_RESULT The device has data to return, 'uuid' is the return characteristic value uuid; 'data' is the parsed array. 'srcData' is the original data;

Write the content

  BleUtil.broadcastWriteBle(Context context, String notifyServiceUUID,
                                         String notifyCharacteristicUUID, String writeServiceUUID,
                                         String writeCharacteristicUUID, byte[] bytes);

Read the content

BleUtil.readBle(Context context, String serviceUUID, String characteristicUUID);

Determine whether the device is connected

getConnectStatus(Context context)


  • BleUtil.CONNECT_STATUS_FAIL Connection fail

MAC address of connected device


Connected device name


BleUtil Other Use

* Connecting device
* @param context
* @param address MAC address
void connectDevice(Context context,String address)

* Connecting device
* @param context
* @param address MAC address
* @param autoConnect Auto connect(Default false)
void connectDevice(Context context, String address, boolean autoConnect)

* Disconnect
* @param context
void disConnect(Context context)

* Read content
* @param context
* @param serviceUUID
* @param characteristicUUID
void readBle(Context context, String serviceUUID, String characteristicUUID)

* Write content
* @param context
* @param notifyServiceUUID
* @param notifyCharacteristicUUID
* @param writeServiceUUID
* @param writeCharacteristicUUID
* @param bytes
void broadcastWriteBle(Context context, String notifyServiceUUID,
                                         String notifyCharacteristicUUID, String writeServiceUUID,
                                         String writeCharacteristicUUID, byte[] bytes) 

* Write content
* @param context
* @param notifyServiceUUID
* @param notifyCharacteristicUUID
* @param writeServiceUUID
* @param writeCharacteristicUUID
* @param bytes                    Content
* @param segmentation             Whether to subcontract the send,true will packet the send with up to 20 bytes
void broadcastWriteBle(Context context, String notifyServiceUUID,
                                         String notifyCharacteristicUUID, String writeServiceUUID,
                                         String writeCharacteristicUUID, byte[] bytes, boolean segmentation)

* Write content
* @param context
* @param notifyServiceUUID
* @param notifyCharacteristicUUID
* @param writeServiceUUID
* @param writeCharacteristicUUID
* @param bytes
* @param segmentation             Whether to subcontract the send,true will packet the send with up to 20 bytes
* @param immediately              Whether to send it immediately or not (it needs to be optimized for the queue mechanism of the command, such as: measurement termination, measurement of the heart rate of the bracelet, etc.)
void broadcastWriteBle(Context context, String notifyServiceUUID,
                                         String notifyCharacteristicUUID, String writeServiceUUID,
                                         String writeCharacteristicUUID, byte[] bytes, boolean segmentation,
                                         boolean immediately) 

* Whether bluetooth is available
* @return
boolean bleIsEnabled()

* Verify or enable bluetooth
* @param activity
* @param resultCode
* @return
boolean validOrOpenBle(Activity activity, int resultCode)

* Start scan
* @param context
void startScan(final Context context)

* Start scan
* @param context
* @param scanFilterName Filter name
void startScan(final Context context, final String[] scanFilterName)

* Stop scan
* @param context
void stopScan(Context context) 

*  Stop WalleBleService
* @param context
void stopWalleBleService(Context context)

* The command has queue mechanism. After successfully returning the result, the method can be called to execute the next command immediately. If the method is not called, the next command can only be executed automatically after the timeout
* @param context
void finishResult(Context context) Config class

 * Open debug model
void setDebug(boolean isDebug)

 * Command send retries
 * @param maxRetryNumber  Default 3
void setMaxRetryNumber(int maxRetryNumber)

 * Whether to add a sequence number at the 0th bit from the second package when subcontracting
 * @param segmentationAddIndex Default false
void setSegmentationAddIndex(boolean segmentationAddIndex)

 * Packet transmission interval
 * @param segmentationSleepTime  millisecond(Default 500ms)
void setSegmentationSleepTime(int segmentationSleepTime)

 * Scan device timeout
 *  @param scanBleTimeoutTime millisecond(Default 20000ms)
void setScanBleTimeoutTime(int scanBleTimeoutTime)

 * Set the wait time after the command is sent to return the result. The default time is 2000 milliseconds
 *  @param bleResultWaitTime millisecond
void setBleResultWaitTime(int bleResultWaitTime)

 * Reconnection interval
 * @param reconnectTime millisecond(Default 10000ms)
void setReconnectTime(int reconnectTime)

  * Reconnection number
  * @param maxReconnectNumber  default 3
void setMaxReconnectNumber(int maxReconnectNumber)