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Harold Mills edited this page Mar 21, 2014 · 5 revisions

To install and run Maka:

  1. Install a Python distribution that includes Qt and PySide, which Maka requires for its graphical user interface. Two free distributions that work are the Express version of Enthought Canopy and the Anaconda distribution from Continuum Analytics.

  2. Install pySerial into your Python distribution. I would suggest following the instructions in the From source (tar.gz or checkout) subsection of the Installation section of the pySerial page. In short, you'll download the pySerial source code, unzip and untar it, and then run the command python install from the resulting directory.

  3. Download the Maka source code from this repository, for example using the Download ZIP button on the main repository page.

  4. Run the command python -m maka.Maka from the src directory of the Maka source tree.

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