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An AI Article-Summarizer Website

  1. 🔗 Demo
  2. 🤖 Introduction
  3. ⚙️ Tech Stack
  4. 🔋 Features

You can see a live demo of this website here.

Summarize any kind of article with just one click using the powerful OpenAI model. It turns lengthy articles into quick summaries Just by pasting a link of an article.

  • React.js
  • TypeScript
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Tailwind CSS

👉 Modern User Interface: A modern and user-friendly interface, offering an intuitive experience for users.

👉 Summary Generation: Users can input the URL of a lengthy article, and the web app utilizes AI to provide a concise summary of the article content.

👉 History Saving with Local Storage: The app includes a history feature, allowing users to save summaries locally, providing a convenient way to revisit and manage their reading history.

👉 Copy to Clipboard Functionality: Enables users to easily share or store the summarized content by copying it to their clipboard.

👉 Advanced RTK Query API Requests: Utilizes the advanced capabilities of Redux Toolkit (RTK) Query for making API requests. These requests fire conditionally based on specific criteria, optimizing data fetching and management.


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