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Image Media Manager (IMM)

A media management application for collecting and maintaining media in online course environments. This application supports the IIIF standard for image management, and seamlessly integrates with other applications such as Mirador and LTI-compliant learning management systems like Canvas and edX.

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The following components are required for running this LTI tool:

  1. media_management_api: API backend for storing and managing data
  2. loris: Image server for delivering images from an S3 bucket
  3. An AWS S3 bucket that the API can write to and Loris can read from.

To proceed with this quickstart, ensure that you have docker installed and that those components are configured appropriately.

Configure LTI django application:

  • Setup the secure settings:
$ cp media_management_lti/settings/ media_management_lti/settings/
  • Generate API credentials on the media_management_api admin interface
  • Update media_management_lti/settings/ with the client_id and client_secret that were generated. These API credentials are used to obtain API tokens for end-users.

Install TLS certificates to support HTTPS on localhost

  • Install the mkcert tool. E.g, $ brew install mkcert on MacOS.
  • Run $ mkcert -install and $ mkcert localhost A TLS certificate and key pair will be generated. See output for the location of the pair on your filesystem.
  • Update the runsslserver command in ./docker-compose.yml with the paths to the TLS certificate and key. Alternatively, as expected by ./docker-compose.yml, rename the certificate to cert.pem and the key to key.pem, and ensure they are in project root, i.e. ./cert.pem and ./key.pem.

Start docker services:

$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose exec web python migrate
$ docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
$ open http://localhost:8080

Note that the web service talks to the media_management_api web service on the same network.

Build javascript (e.g. angularjs):

The final step is to build the angularjs client code stored in the app/ directory.

In order to do this, it's necessary to use gulp, a NodeJS build tool, and run the gulp build command in the app/ directory. Rather than installing a gulp locally, the commands below build a docker container expressly for that purpose and then execute the necessary command(s).

$ cd app
$ docker build -t gulp .
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/code gulp npm install
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/code gulp gulp build
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/code gulp gulp watch


  • The --rm flag is used to remove the container after the command is executed since the result of the command is saved to the volume that was mounted (e.g. current directory).
  • The -v flag mounts the app directory so that the build is saved outside of the container.

Other tasks:

  • Access the database: docker-compose exec db psql -U media_management_lti
  • Run unit tests: bash