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Project 1: FatTree Topology


  • Configure a FatTree topology with basic routing policies.
  • Compare application performance (i.e., iperf, memcached, and video) between FatTree and Binary Tree.

Getting started

You will work on project1/ directory. We will provide you the complete code for building Binary Tree as an example for building FatTree.

Tutorial: a Binary Tree Topology

We provide example code for an example I=4 layer Binary Tree topology with 16 hosts, 8 ToR switches, 7 internal switches, and multiple links with different bandwidth. bintree_topo

We now use a python script topology/ to create the topology topology/p4app_bin.json. For example, to build the Binary Tree topology with I=4, you can run

python topology/ 4

As you can see in topology/, the link bandwidth is specified like ["a1", "b1", {"bw": 2}], which means 2Mbit/sec between port a1 and b1. Note that the link bandwidth actually translates into the speed of the two ports for that link in mininet (as you can see in the output of mininet: (2.0Mbit) (2.0Mbit) (a1, b1)).

Then you can run the Binary Tree topology by:

sudo p4run --config topology/p4app_bin.json

Our controller is at controller/ For I=4, you can run

python controller/ 4

You can then test the BinaryTree topology in the same way as your circle and line topologies in Project 0.

Two optional configuration fields in p4app.json

You might find two configuration fields: exec_scripts and default_bw convenient to use.

  1. exec_scripts: it allows you to add scripts that will be automatically called after the topology starts. The scripts will be called in the root namespace, not inside any host. For example, by adding

        "exec_scripts": [
               "cmd": "python controller/ 4",
               "reboot_run": true

    inside the outermost {} in p4app_bin.json, you don't have to run the controller manually anymore. If for debugging reasons you want to start the controller yourself just remove this option (setting reboot_run to false does not suffice).

  2. default_bw: this can be used to set the default bandwidth of all the links in the topology. For example, by adding

    "default_bw": 1,

    inside the topology {} in p4app_bin.json, you set the default link bandwidth to 1Mbps; you can overwrite specific link (eg, a1-b1) bandwidth to 2Mbps by writing ["a1", "b1", {"bw": 20}] inside links field under topology. Note that a link without any bandwidth setting (ie, no default value and no specific value) will have infinite bandwidth.

Your task: Building a FatTree Topology

You will now extend the Binary Tree to a FatTree topology by modifying topology/ and controller/ Below, we provide detailed steps for creating a FatTree topology with k=4; you solution should work for k=4, 6, 8.

Step One: Create the Topology

You should write a script topology/ to generate the topology file. Your script should take k as the input and output to topology/p4app_fat.json. For example, to generate the FatTree topology with 16 hosts, we will run:

python topology/ 4

The following figure illustrates an example FatTree topology with k=4 where k is the number of ports each switch has. This FatTree topology contains 16 hosts h1-h16, 8 ToR switches t1-t8, 8 aggregate switches a1-a8, 4 cores switches c1-c4, and multiple links with the same bandwidth (i.e., 1Mbps). fattree_topo Please make sure you use exactly the same switch and host names as the figure. Otherwise, we cannot test your reachability and you would not get the grades. Your generated topology file topology/p4app_fat.json should have all link bandwidth set to 1Mbps. (Check how we set link bandwidth previously for Binary Tree.)

Step Two: Write the Controller

Now modify controller/ for all the switches. The script should take an input k. For example, you can run the following for k=4:

python controller/ 4

Your main goal is to enable all-to-all communications in the topology (i.e., the pingall command in mininet should succeed). You can test your solution using pingall to test the solution. Currently, you should route all the traffic through the first Core switch (i.e., switch c1). We will explore routing through multiple switches later.

Hint 1: You need to treat the switches each layer separately. For the switches in each layer, you may install one rule for each host indicating which port it needs to be forwarded.

Hint 2: How do you compute the port number for each host without listing them all in an array?

Hint 3: In Mininet, switches do not support the same packets coming into and then immediately coming out from the same port. For example, you cannot let a packet goes from h1 to t1, and set rules on t1 to let the packet route back to h1 immediately. Your forwarding rules should avoid this kind of behavior since it will cause failures in pingall.

Hint 4: For debugging, you may start by testing ping between a pair of hosts before trying out pingall.

Food for thought: Do you really need one rule for each host?

Test your code

This is how we will grade your code. We will run the scripts on multiple terminals in the same way as project 0.

python topology/ 4
sudo p4run --conf topology/p4app_fat.json
python controller/ 4

Finally, we can run the automatic tests as follows:

sudo python3 tests/ 4

You solution should work with k=4, 6, 8 for FatTree. We will use scripts to automatically test your code for each of k.Your score will be halved if you write specific cases for each of k. We will manually check your code to identify this problem.

Compare application performance between Binary Tree and FatTree

In the following experiments, you will compare the Binary Tree topology (with I=4) and FatTree topology (with k=4).

Topology configuration

We now try to compare these applications on the two topologies.

In FatTree, the bandwidth is set to 1Mbps, because the total capacity of each switch to 4Mbps.

The question is what is a fair comparison of the two topologies. If we assume Binary Tree topology can only use the same type of switches (i.e., with a total capacity of 4Mbps), we get:

  • For the two down links of switch a1 in Binary Tree, their bandwitdth is set to 2Mbps (i.e.,4Mbps / 2)
  • For the four down links of switches bX, their bandwidth is set to 1Mbps (i.e., (4Mbps - 2Mbps) / 2)
  • For the eight down links of switches cX and the sixteen down links of switches dX, we just set them as 1Mbps

That explains the bandwidth setting in the above topology figures for FatTree and Binary Tree.

Application isolation with two core switches on FatTree

Application setting

You let memcached send traffic between h1 and h9, and let iperf send traffic between h4 and h12.

You can use the followings commands to generate traffic and run applications.

python ./apps/trace/ --mchost=1,9 --iperfhost=4,12 --length=60 --file=./apps/trace/memcached_iperf.trace
sudo python ./apps/ ./apps/trace/memcached_iperf.trace 1,4,9,12 60

Write a two-core controller

In this experiment, we isolate the traffic of memcached and iperf applications by routing their traffic to different core switches in FatTree topology. In particular, you need to write a new controller that routes traffic using two core switches: For ease of grading, you should install rules that routes all traffic to hosts with odd number (i.e., those dmac addresses belong to h1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15) to core switch c1, and all traffic to hosts with even number (i.e., those dmac addresses belong to h2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) to core switch c2. Given that memcached send traffic between h1 and h9, the above rules will direct memcached traffic to c1. Similarly, iperf traffic between h4 and h12 goes to c2. Your new controller should also make mininet pingall succeed (for cases of k=4, 6, 8).

Note that the above routing rules are just for your convenience. In practice, we identify memcached and iperf trraffic based on port numbers and traffic patterns.

After you have finished the new controller for FatTree, you need to run the following experiments (you only need to run these experiments for k=4 case):


  • (Expr 1) running the application setting on FatTree topology using single core switch
  • (Expr 2) running the application setting on FatTree topology using two core switches
  • (Expr 3) running the application setting on Binary Tree topology


You should answer the following questions in your (see Submission and Grading)) (just one or two sentences for each question mark):

  • What is the performance of memcached under FatTree with two core switches, compared with the memcached under FatTree with only one core switch and memcached under Binary Tree? (Experiments 1, 2, and 3) Why? Please include the screenshots of three memcached latency results.
  • What is the performance of iperf under FatTree with two core switches, compared with the iperf under FatTree with only one core switch and iperf under Binary Tree? (Experiments 1, 2, and 3) Why? Please include the screenshots of three iperf throughput results.

Optional experiment (This not extra credit but just for you to have some fun experiments)

What will happen if you replace the memcached with the video application used in Project 0 (i.e., running video between h1 and h9)? What would you observe? Why?

P4 Network Visualizer for Debugging

Daniel Rodrigues who took CS145 last year made this P4 network Visualizer tool as his final project. The tool can show the link traffic rate in real time, pretty useful for debugging -- thanks to Daniel. You are free to use this great tool!

Note that we havn't fully tested the tool. We may not have timely response to fix the problems you face when using this tool. Please file tickets on that github if you face problems.

You will have a chance to contribute to this class for the final project. So start thinking about what optional project you may do as you work on Project 1-6.

Submission and Grading

What to submit

You are expected to submit the following documents:

  1. Code: the programs that you write to generate the FatTree topologies with different k (, and the controller programs (with k as an input parameter) that you write to generate the forwarding rules for FatTree topologies with one core switch and two core switches ( and We will use scripts to automatically test them (i.e., tests/

  2. report/ In this file you should describe how you generate the FatTree topologies, how to use your topology generating programs, how you generate the forwarding rules for different routing policies, answer the questions posted above, and your memcached latency and iperf throughput screenshots in Questions.


The total grades is 100:

  • 20: For your description of how you generate topologies (links and routing rules) in
  • 10: For your answers to the questions in
  • 60: We will test the connectivity of your solutions for FatTree with different k; each with score of 20. The score is proportional to the percentage of pairs that are connected. (60 means all can be connected). Your scores will be halved if you write separate lines of code for different k values.
  • 10: We will use scripts to automatically check the correctness of your solutions for separated core switches forwarding scheme.
  • Deductions based on late policies


Please fill up the survey when you finish your project.

Survey link


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