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Hamlet Tutorial

Eric Lu edited this page Jun 22, 2017 · 14 revisions

Hamlet Tutorial

hamlet_fish hamlet_dude

What is Hamlet

Hamlet is the domain-specific language (DSL) for defining the capability type system in Barrelfish.

For example (capabilities/caps.hl):

cap Memory abstract {
    address genpaddr base;  /* Physical base address of Memory object */
    pasid pasid;            /* Physical Address Space ID */
    size gensize bytes;     /* Size of region in bytes */

Hamlet is written in Filet-of-Fish, which is...

An embedding of C into Haskell, used for writing C code generators for Haskell-based domain specific languages. Instead of using C syntax combinators (as used in Flounder and Mackerel) FoF-based DSLs (such as Fugu and Hamlet) use backend which are actually semantic specifications of behavior, from which FoF can generates C code which is guaranteed to implement the given semantics. (see glossary)


Read page 4 of the cap management documentation for a good glossary of capabilities terminology. Pages 7-17 has API specs for all the capabilities in Barrelfish OS.


Hamlet/capabilities documentation

Code Inventory



Hamlet language source

For a much longer list of files to read (run in root of Barrelfish repository)...

# long list 
$ find . -name "*cap*" | grep -v ".git" | grep -v "depend"

# shorter list
$ find . -name "*capabilities*" | grep -v ".git" | grep -v "depend"

How to write a Hamlet file and understand what it means

  • Add your Hamlet code to capabilities/caps.hl (read the diagrams to see the syntax for how to specify dependency relations).
  • If you want your capability to be required, add your struct header to include/barrelfish_kpi/capabilities.h.
  • Add capabilities to your user programs.
    • For a good example, see usr/pci/pci.c
    • Read lib/barrelfish/capabilities.c and usr/monitor/capops to see how to use capabilities in your user code.

Compiling Hamlet (on it's own):

ghc -i../tools/hamlet/. -odir  ./tools/tools/hamlet/. -hidir  ./tools/tools/hamlet/. -rtsopts=all --make  ../tools/hamlet/Main.lhs -o  ./tools/bin/hamlet $(LDFLAGS) -i..//tools/fof 

Running it:

./tools/bin/hamlet ../capabilities/caps.hl ./x86_64/include/barrelfish_kpi/capbits.h ./x86_64/capabilities/cap_predicates.c ./x86_64/capabilities/user_cap_predicates.c 

//TODO: syntax quick-start

//TODO: example capability

//TODO: explain the code flow for build and inside kernel

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