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OpenGL 3D viewer for ImplicitCAD.

Allows quick preview of ImplicitCAD SymbolicObj3 objects by transforming NormedTriangleMesh into format accepted by GPipe.

Based on GPipe-Test


With Nix

  • nix-build
  • ./result/bin/implicitview examples-haskell/SomeModule.hs

or enter development shell using nix-shell where you can use

cabal run implicitview

or cabal repl.

With Stack

  • stack build
  • stack run implicitview examples-haskell/SomeModule.hs



Like ghcid for ImplicitCAD. Features autoreload functionality that can reload both Haskell modules via hint or ExtOpenSCAD files using ImplicitCADs SCAD engine.

Try it on provided examples:

implicitview examples-haskell/SomeModule.hs

or ExtOpenSCAD variant:

implicitview examples-escad/obj.escad

While the application is running you can open the source file in your editor and it will automatically reload the preview on saves.

Haskell loader expects obj :: SymbolicObj3 variable and optionally allows changing resolution by also defining res variable (tried types for res are Double, Int and Integer).

ExtOpenSCAD loader works with standard $res variable. It renders both 2D and 3D objects by unioning and extruding 2D ones by 1mm. To achieve the same with Haskell loader, extrude your 2D objects using extrudeR 0 (unionR 0 objs2) 1.

implicitview supports viewer configuration via command line, for full list of options see:

implicitview --help

An example of some parameters:

implicitview --rotate  --rotate-init 1 --rotate-step 0.01 --zoom 0.5 example-escad/obj.escad


Demo of animation functionality.


Left mouse button controls camera rotation, scroll wheel zooming, holding space increases animation speed.

  • N or ~ key switches smoothing of normals (off by default)
  • 1 .. 0 switches shader
  • Tab switches to next shader
  • R toggles autorotation
  • C toggles autoscaling of object on reloads
  • Q for quit

REPL Usage

Via cabal repl:

import Graphics.Implicit
import Graphics.Implicit.Viewer

view $ sphere 10

animate $ \t -> unionR 1 [ sphere 5, cylinder2 1 3 (4 + 5 * t) ]


Support for animating objects is available - objects can be parametrized by time variable in [0..1] interval and viewed using animate function.

animSample :: Double -> SymbolicObj3
animSample t = sphere (2 + t*2)

animate animSample

Animations are experimental and are currently being reworked to use composable Animation wrapper similar to Reanimate.Animation.






example-haskell object with edges shader


example-haskell wireframe shader


demoLetterI with smoothed normals

smoothed demo letter