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HMake is a new build system that does not invent a new DSL for its project build specification. Currently, it only provides C++ build and C++ API. Later on, build support for more programming languages will be added. API in other programming languages will be provided as well. Tested on Windows 11 with MSVC 14.39.33519 (Visual Studio 17.9.4) and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with GCC 12.1

You can either skip to the examples for samples or just read through them.

HMake Architecture

HMake is an extendable build-system. class BTarget is the building block of the build-system. HMake has a very simple algorithm. You define all the targets and dependencies between them. HMake then topologically sorts and informs you if there is any cycle. Those with 0 dependencies are added to a list. Then we start building the targets in this list. As soon as we build a target, we decrement from all of the dependents target.dependenciesSize. If the dependent target.dependenciesSize == 0, i.e. no dependency of the target is left to be built, we add it to the list right before the current iterator. I have given an example in this link. This is referenced in my paper.

Let's do some examples

Example 1

#include "Configure.hpp"

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    string message;
    explicit OurTarget(string str) : message{std::move(str)}
    void updateBTarget(class Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if(round == 0)
            printMessage(FORMAT("{}\n", message));

OurTarget a("Hello");
OurTarget b("World");
void buildSpecification()


To extend the build-system, we need to derive from the BTarget and override updateBTarget function. If you build this example, it will print "Hello\nWorld\n" during the build. First a.updateBTarget runs and then b.updateBTarget runs. Because we specified a dependency relationship between a and b. But, what is the round == 0 and realBTargets[0]? HMake does topological sorting and target updating 3 times in one execution. This is to simplify C++20 modules support. So, in round == 2, we develop the compile command and link command of different targets based on their dependencies. This is what the CMake does. While in round == 1 we scan module source-files and in round == 0, we build the source which is what Ninja does.

Let's clarify this with more examples.

Example 2

#include "Configure.hpp"

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    string message;
    explicit OurTarget(string str) : message{std::move(str)}
    void updateBTarget(class Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if(round == 0 || round == 1)
            printMessage(FORMAT("{}\n", message));

OurTarget a("Hello");
OurTarget b("World");
void buildSpecification()


Now, this example will print World\nHello\nHello\nWorld\n. AS we inverted the dependency relationship for round 1 compared to round 0. BTarget constructor initializes realBTargets which is array<RealBTarget, 3>. So, by declaring 1 BTarget, you declare 3 RealBTargets.

Example 3

#include "Configure.hpp"

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    unsigned short low, high;
    explicit OurTarget(unsigned short low_, unsigned short high_) : low(low_), high(high_)
    void updateBTarget(class Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if (round == 0)
            for (unsigned short i = low; i < high; ++i)
                printMessage(FORMAT("{} ", i));
                // To simulate a long-running task that continuously outputs.

OurTarget a(10, 20), b(50, 70), c(800, 1000);
void buildSpecification()


This example simulates a long-running task. HMake is a fully multi-threaded build-system. The buildSpecification function is executed single-threaded but almost right after that the threads are launched and HMake updates BTargets on all cores. So, the output in the above example will be garbled as we did not specify any dependencies, and all 3 OurTarget::updateBTarget is executed in parallel. Here, we can use global printMutex which is a central mutex for synchronized printing.

Example 4

#include "Configure.hpp"

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    string message;
    explicit OurTarget(string str) : message{std::move(str)}
    void updateBTarget(class Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override

OurTarget a("Hello");
OurTarget b("World");
OurTarget c("HMake");
void buildSpecification()


This will print in red (the default color for error messages)

There is a Cyclic-Dependency.
BTarget 2 Depends On BTarget 1.
BTarget 1 Depends On BTarget 0.
BTarget 0 Depends On BTarget 2.

By overriding BTarget::getTarjanNodeName, we can customize this message to differentiate between different overrides of BTarget. By default, it prints BTarget and the id number. CppSourceTarget, LinkOrArchiveTarget prints name, while SourceNode and SMFile prints node->filePath.

Example 5

#include "Configure.hpp"

unsigned short roundLocal = 2;
struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    string message;
    bool error = false;
    explicit OurTarget(string str, bool error_ = false) : message{std::move(str)}, error(error_)
    void updateBTarget(class Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if (round == roundLocal || round == 1)
            if (error)
                throw std::runtime_error("Target " + message + " runtime error.\n");
            if (realBTargets[2].exitStatus == EXIT_SUCCESS)
                printMessage(FORMAT("{}\n", message));

OurTarget a("Hello"), b("World"), c("HMake"), d("CMake"), e("Ninja", true), f("XMake"), g("build2", true), h("Boost");
void buildSpecification()


This example demonstrates HMake error handling. If updateBTarget throws an exception or set RealBTarget::exitStatus to anything but EXIT_SUCCESS, then HMake will set the RealBTarget::exitStatus of all the dependent targets toEXIT_FAILURE. This way target can learn the execution status of its dependents and also communicate theirs to their dependents. If in a round, RealBTarget::exitStatus of any one of the targets is not equal to EXIT_SUCCESS, then HMake will exit early and not execute the remaining rounds.

Example 6

#include "Configure.hpp"

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    unsigned short low, high;
    explicit OurTarget(unsigned short low_, unsigned short high_) : low(low_), high(high_)
    void updateBTarget(class Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if (round == 2)
            for (unsigned short i = low; i < high; ++i)
                printMessage(FORMAT("{} ", i));
                // To simulate a long-running task that continuously outputs.
            printMessage(FORMAT("{}", "\n"));

OurTarget *a, *b, *c;

struct OurTarget2 : public BTarget
    void updateBTarget(Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if (round == 2)
            a = new OurTarget(10, 40);
            b = new OurTarget(50, 80);
            c = new OurTarget(800, 1000);

                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(builder.executeMutex);
                builder.updateBTargetsIterator = builder.updateBTargets.emplace(builder.updateBTargetsIterator, c);
                builder.updateBTargetsSizeGoal += 3;
OurTarget2 target2;
void buildSpecification()


This example will print 800 to 1000 and then it will print 10 to 40 and 50 to 80 garbled. This is because of targets OurTarget *a, *b, *c; and the dependency relationship between these targets. These targets were not part of the DAG but instead dynamically added.

HMake supports dynamic targets as demonstrated. These are HMake speciality. However, you have to take care of the following aspects:

  1. You have to update the Builder::updateBTargetsSizeGoal variable with the an additional number of targets whose updateBTarget will be called.
  2. All those targets that do not have any dependency must be added in updateBTargets list like we added c target.
  3. Besides new targets, we can also modify the dependencies of older targets. But not of those whose updateBTarget is being called or of those who have been added to updateBTargets list i.e. their updateBTarget is about to be called.
  4. These data structures must not be modified without Builder::executeMutex locked. And Builder::cond should be notified if we edit the updateBTargets list.

Example 7

#include "Configure.hpp"

BTarget b, c;

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    void updateBTarget(Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if (round == 0)

OurTarget target;

void buildSpecification()


In this example, we define a new dependency relationship between older targets. This is completely legal as we don't break the Rule 3. But, we have added a cyclic dependency. This will be detected and HMake will print the following error.

There is a Cyclic Dependency.
BTarget 1 Depends On BTarget 0.
BTarget 0 Depends On BTarget 1.
Unknown exception

Example 8

#include "Configure.hpp"

BTarget *a;

struct OurTarget : public BTarget
    void updateBTarget(Builder &builder, unsigned short round) override
        if (round == 0)
            a = new BTarget();
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(builder.executeMutex);
            // builder.updateBTargetsIterator = builder.updateBTargets.emplace(builder.updateBTargetsIterator, a);

OurTarget target;

void buildSpecification()


This breaks the rule 2. Uncommenting the line above will fix this. This might hang or HMake might detect and print HMake API misuse.

C++ Examples

Example 1

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()


To run this first build the hmake project with cmake with CMAKE_BUILD_CONFIGURATION to RELEASE and then, create symbolic links for hhelper and hbuild binaries in /usr/local/bin/ or on Windows add the build directory in your system Environment Variables Path. The project will create 4 binaries hhelper, hbuild, htools, hwrite, and HMakeHelper and one static-lib hconfigure. hhelper and hbuild are to be used frequently for building projects while HMakeHelper can be used to debug the hmake.cpp of the project itself. htools command needs to be run once. It detects all installed tools. Unlike few other tools, HMake does not detect the tools installed every time you configure a project but is instead done only once and the result is cached to C:\Program Files (x86)\HMake\toolsCache.json on Windows and /home/toolsCache.json/ in Linux. Currently, it is just a stud. Administrative permissions are needed on Windows. Also, the latest Visual Studio be installed.

Now, to build the Example you need to run hhelper twice and hbuild once. hhelper will create the cache.json file. cache.json file provides an opportunity to select a different toolset. It has array indices to the arrays of different tools in toolsCache.json. These tools must exist in toolsCache.json for HMake to work. cache.json file also has the commands that hbuild will use to build the configure dll. Running hhelper the second time will create the configure dll, linking hconfigure static-lib using whole-archive linker feature. Running hbuild will load the configure dll and call the func2 with BSMode::BUILD. This will create the app executable in {buildDir}/app.

configure dll also has other C API functions through which complete information about the configuration can be obtained. Editor/IDE can load this dll and call the func2 with BSMode::IDE which will call the buildSpecification function of the hmake.cpp file but will not build the project in the function configureOrBuild. buildSpecification function creates the global state which can be inquired later through other functions available in C_API.hpp. The API in this file is WIP. But later on, it will be LTS stable and versioned, thus you can provide your build specification in any programming language, provided that it supports this LTS stable C API, so that other tools like IDE/Editor could interact with it seamlessly.

The HMakeHelper is built with EXE compile-definition. This will define the int main block in the hmake.cpp and undefine the func2 block. This way you can debug your build specification easily. To run HMakeHelper in BSMode::BUILD, pass the --build command-line argument to it. On Linux HMake builds with -fsanitize=thread

A side note, current CMakeLists.txt builds with address sanitizer, so you need to copy the respective dll in cmake build-dir for debugging on Windows.

This line GetCppExeDSC("app").getSourceTarget().SOURCE_FILES("main.cpp"); in the file create a DSC<CppSourceTarget>. DSC<CppSourceTarget> manages dependency specification as you will see later on. It has pointers to CppSourceTarget and LinkOrArchiveTarget. getSourceTarget returns the CppSourceTarget pointer to which we add the source-files. There are other Get* function available in GetTarget.hpp. These functions preserve by emplacing the element in targets template variable.

Example 2

#include "Configure.hpp"

void configurationSpecification(Configuration &configuration)
        .SOURCE_DIRECTORIES_RG(".", "file[1-4]\\.cpp|main\\.cpp")
        .SINGLE(LTO::ON, Optimization::SPACE);

void buildSpecification()
    Configuration &debug = GetConfiguration("Debug");
    Configuration &release = GetConfiguration("Release");



Building this example will create two directories Debug and Release, based on the GetConfiguraion line in buildSpecification. In both of these directories the target app will be built with the respective configuration properties, because, we set these properties in ASSIGN call. These features and the flags they result in are modeled on the Boost build-system b2. A complete list of such features can be found in Features.hpp. ASSIGN can assign more than one feature because it is a variadic template. Configuration has Get* like functions. These functions will return the respective element but with the properties of Configuration. In configurationSpecification, Optimization::SPACE is set based on the LTO feature. More functions like SINGLE are available in the CppSourceTarget and LinkOrArchiveTarget, as these are inheriting from the FeatureConvenienceFunctions.hpp. These functions allow more concise conditional property specification. SOURCE_DIRECTORIES_RG function also takes the regex argument, which otherwise is defaulted to .* in SOURCE_DIRECTORIES while R_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES uses a recursive directory iterator.

Example 3

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()
    CppSourceTarget &app = GetCppExeDSC("app").getSourceTarget();

    // Change the value of "FILE1" in cache.hmake to false and then run configure again.
    // Then run hbuild. Now file2.cpp will be used.
    // CacheVariable is template. So you can use any type with it. However, conversions from and to JSON should
    // exist for that type. See nlohmann/json for details. I guess mostly bool will be used.
    if (CacheVariable("FILE1", true).value)


This example showcases the cache variable. Changing FILE1 bool to false and then reconfiguring the project will rebuild the project, because file2 will be used this time.

Example 4

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &catStatic = GetCppStaticDSC("Cat-Static", true, "CAT_EXPORT");


    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &catShared = GetCppSharedDSC("Cat-Shared", true, "CAT_EXPORT");



This example showcases dependency specification. Also, GetCppStatic and GetCppShared are called with two optional arguments besides the mandatory name argument. The true means that the code would be compiled with the suitable compile-definition and suitable compile-definition will also be propagated above, based on whether the DSC is a static-library or a shared-library. DSC handles all that. The third argument specifies what compile-definition to use. By default name + "_EXPORT" compile-definition will be used. On Windows, HMake by default, copies the shared library dependencies to the build-dir. You can change that by ASSIGN(CopyDLLToExeDirOnNTOs::NO) call to the prebuiltLinkOrArchiveTarget of the DSC.

Example 5

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &catShared = GetCppSharedDSC("Cat", true);

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &animalShared = GetCppExeDSC("Animal").PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(
        &catShared, PrebuiltDep{.requirementRpath = "-Wl,-R -Wl,'$ORIGIN' ", .defaultRpath = false});

        [&](Builder &builder, BTarget &bTarget) {
            if (bTarget.getRealBTarget(0).exitStatus == EXIT_SUCCESS &&
                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(printMutex);
                printMessage(" copied to Animal/ and deleted from Cat/\n");
        animalShared.getLinkOrArchiveTarget(), catShared.getLinkOrArchiveTarget());


This example showcases PrebuiltDep and extensibility. PrebuiltDep is used to specify the properties such as Rpath which are not the properties of the dependency or dependent, but, are the properties of the dependency relationship. This line PrebuiltDep{.requirementRpath = "-Wl,-R -Wl,'$ORIGIN' ", .defaultRpath = false} means that $ORIGIN Rpath will be specified to the Animal target with the Cat shared-library. .defautRpath = false is important, because this means that the default-rpath, which is the shared-library build-dir, won't be used, and, instead the value of requirementRpath will be used. PrebuiltDep::usageRequirementRpath should be used to specify the rpath in case, another target depends on Animal, and, Cat is propagated to that target. Generally, if defaultRpath is set to false, then, both should be set.

This example also showcases GetRoundZeroUpdateBTarget. This takes a functor and the dependencies. This functor will be called after the dependencies are updated. So, we, here have directly injected in the central DAG. round variable specifies what round it is. To support all the functionality HMake runs in 3 rounds. In the first round, it populates dependencies. In the second round, it generates smrules files. In the third round, it builds the object files. and does different things in different rounds. BTarget is the center of all this and will be extended in the last Example. Instead of GetRoundZeroUpdateBTarget, outputDirectory could have been used in this case.

Because of Rpath, this is a Linux-only example.

Example 6

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()
    auto makeApps = [](TargetType targetType) {
        string str = targetType == TargetType::LIBRARY_STATIC ? "-Static" : "-Shared";

        DSC<CppSourceTarget> &cat =
            GetCppTargetDSC_P("Cat" + str, "../Example4/Build/Cat" + str + "/", targetType, true, "CAT_EXPORT");

        DSC<CppSourceTarget> &dog = GetCppTargetDSC("Dog" + str, targetType, true, "DOG_EXPORT");

        DSC<CppSourceTarget> &dog2 = GetCppTargetDSC("Dog2" + str, targetType, true, "DOG2_EXPORT");

        DSC<CppSourceTarget> &app = GetCppExeDSC("App" + str);

        DSC<CppSourceTarget> &app2 = GetCppExeDSC("App2" + str);



This example showcases the consumption of a prebuilt library. Also showcases the dependency propagation, and the controlling prowess of DSC e.g. if a static-library has another static-library as dependency, then this dependency will be propagated above up to the Shared-Library or Exe.

Example 7

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()
    GetCppExeDSC("app").getSourceTarget().MODULE_FILES("main.cpp", "std.cpp");


This example showcases the HMake Modules Support. In round == 1, i.e. in the second-last / second round, HMake generates the .smrule file for all the module-files and the header-units, if any are being included by these module-files. This .smrule file is specified by the compiler according to the P1689R5 paper. In round==0, HMake also determines the dependencies between different modules, and then in round 3, will build them accordingly. app2 marks all the requirementIncludes for which isStandard = true as header-unit-includes by calling the function assignStandardIncludesToPublicHUDirectories. Any directory that has header-units should be marked by at least one and only one target as hu-include(header-unit-include) in a target or its dependencies. So, HMake can decide what target to associate with these header-units from that directory. Modules from a CppSourceTarget can use modules from a dependency CppSourceTarget, while at the same time being compiled by a different compile-command.

CppSourceTarget member functions PRIVATE_HU_DIRECTORIES, PUBLIC_HU_INCLUDES and PRIVATE_HU_INCLUDES are used for registering an include-directory for header-units. The reason for PRIVATE_HU_DIRECTORIES besides PUBLIC_HU_INCLUDES and PRIVATE_HU_INCLUDES is that sometimes general include-directories are less specialized while header-unit-include-directories are more specialized. That is showcased in Example 9.

Example 8

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()


Example 9

#include "Configure.hpp"

template <typename... T> void initializeTargets(DSC<CppSourceTarget> &target, T &...targets)
    CppSourceTarget &t = target.getSourceTarget();
    string str =, - 4); // Removing -cpp from the name
    t.MODULE_DIRECTORIES_RG("src/" + str + "/", ".*cpp")
        .PRIVATE_HU_DIRECTORIES("src/" + str)
        .PUBLIC_HU_DIRECTORIES("include/" + str);

    if constexpr (sizeof...(targets))

void configurationSpecification(Configuration &config)

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &stdhu = config.GetCppObjectDSC("stdhu");


    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &lib4 = config.GetCppTargetDSC("lib4", config.targetType);
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &lib3 = config.GetCppTargetDSC("lib3", config.targetType).PUBLIC_LIBRARIES(&lib4);
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &lib2 =
        config.GetCppTargetDSC("lib2", config.targetType).PUBLIC_LIBRARIES(&stdhu).PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(&lib3);
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &lib1 = config.GetCppTargetDSC("lib1", config.targetType).PUBLIC_LIBRARIES(&lib2);
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &app = config.GetCppExeDSC("app").PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(&lib1);

    initializeTargets(lib1, lib2, lib3, lib4, app);

void buildSpecification()
    CxxSTD cxxStd = toolsCache.vsTools[0].compiler.bTFamily == BTFamily::MSVC ? CxxSTD::V_LATEST : CxxSTD::V_23;

    Configuration &static_ = GetConfiguration("static");
    static_.ASSIGN(cxxStd, TreatModuleAsSource::NO, ConfigType::DEBUG, TargetType::LIBRARY_STATIC);

    Configuration &object = GetConfiguration("object");
    object.ASSIGN(cxxStd, TreatModuleAsSource::NO, ConfigType::DEBUG, TargetType::LIBRARY_OBJECT);


This example showcases the usage of PRIVATE_HU_DIRECTORIES. In this example, if we had used HU_INCLUDES functions instead, then this would have been a configuration error. Because twp targets would have the same header-unit-include, HMake won't have been able to decide which target to associate with the header-units. Using PRIVATE_HU_DIRECTORIES ensure that header-units from include/lib1/ and src/lib1/ are linked with lib1 and so on.

Example 10

#include "Configure.hpp"

void buildSpecification()
        .R_MODULE_DIRECTORIES("modules/", "src/")


Example 11. HMake Project Example

#include "Configure.hpp"

using std::filesystem::file_size;

struct SizeDifference : public CTarget, public BTarget
    Configuration &sizeConfiguration;
    Configuration &speedConfiguration;

    SizeDifference(string name, Configuration &sizeConfiguration_, Configuration &speedConfiguration_)
        : CTarget(std::move(name)), sizeConfiguration(sizeConfiguration_), speedConfiguration(speedConfiguration_)
        RealBTarget &realBTarget = realBTargets.emplace_back(this, 0);
        if (speedConfiguration.getSelectiveBuild() && sizeConfiguration.getSelectiveBuild() && getSelectiveBuild())
            for (LinkOrArchiveTarget *linkOrArchiveTarget : sizeConfiguration.linkOrArchiveTargets)
                if (linkOrArchiveTarget->EVALUATE(TargetType::EXECUTABLE))

            for (LinkOrArchiveTarget *linkOrArchiveTarget : speedConfiguration.linkOrArchiveTargets)
                if (linkOrArchiveTarget->EVALUATE(TargetType::EXECUTABLE))

    BTarget *getBTarget() override
        return this;

    virtual ~SizeDifference() = default;

    void updateBTarget(Builder &, unsigned short round) override
        RealBTarget &realBTarget = realBTargets[0];

        if (!round && realBTarget.exitStatus == EXIT_SUCCESS)
            string sizeDirPath = targetSubDir + "Size";
            string speedDirPath = targetSubDir + "Speed";


            unsigned long long speedSize = 0;
            unsigned long long sizeSize = 0;
            for (LinkOrArchiveTarget *linkOrArchiveTarget : sizeConfiguration.linkOrArchiveTargets)
                if (linkOrArchiveTarget->EVALUATE(TargetType::EXECUTABLE))
                    sizeSize += file_size(linkOrArchiveTarget->getActualOutputPath());
                                          sizeDirPath + linkOrArchiveTarget->actualOutputName,

            for (LinkOrArchiveTarget *linkOrArchiveTarget : speedConfiguration.linkOrArchiveTargets)
                if (linkOrArchiveTarget->EVALUATE(TargetType::EXECUTABLE))
                    speedSize += file_size(linkOrArchiveTarget->getActualOutputPath());
                                          speedDirPath + linkOrArchiveTarget->actualOutputName,

            std::lock_guard<mutex> lk{printMutex};
            fmt::print("Speed build size - {}\nSize build size - {}\n", speedSize, sizeSize);

bool operator<(const SizeDifference &lhs, const SizeDifference &rhs)
    return lhs.CTarget::id < rhs.CTarget::id;

void configurationSpecification(Configuration &configuration)
    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &stdhu = configuration.GetCppObjectDSC("stdhu");

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &fmt = configuration.GetCppStaticDSC("fmt").PUBLIC_LIBRARIES(&stdhu);
    fmt.getSourceTarget().MODULE_FILES("fmt/src/", "fmt/src/").PUBLIC_HU_INCLUDES("fmt/include");


    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &hconfigure = configuration.GetCppStaticDSC("hconfigure").PUBLIC_LIBRARIES(&fmt);
        .PUBLIC_HU_INCLUDES("hconfigure/header", "cxxopts/include", "json/include", "rapidjson/include");

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &hhelper = configuration.GetCppExeDSC("hhelper").PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(&hconfigure, &stdhu);
        .PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITION("HCONFIGURE_HEADER", addEscapedQuotes(srcDir + "hconfigure/header"))
        .PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITION("JSON_HEADER", addEscapedQuotes(srcDir + "json/include"))
        .PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITION("RAPIDJSON_HEADER", addEscapedQuotes(srcDir + "rapidjson/include"))
        .PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITION("FMT_HEADER", addEscapedQuotes(srcDir + "fmt/include"))
            "FMT_STATIC_LIB_PATH", addEscapedQuotes(path(fmt.getLinkOrArchiveTarget().getActualOutputPath()).string()));

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &hbuild = configuration.GetCppExeDSC("hbuild").PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(&hconfigure, &stdhu);

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &hmakeHelper =
        configuration.GetCppExeDSC("HMakeHelper").PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(&hconfigure, &stdhu);

    DSC<CppSourceTarget> &exp = configuration.GetCppExeDSC("exp").PRIVATE_LIBRARIES(&stdhu);

void buildSpecification()
    Configuration &releaseSpeed = GetConfiguration("RSpeed");
    CxxSTD cxxStd = releaseSpeed.compilerFeatures.compiler.bTFamily == BTFamily::MSVC ? CxxSTD::V_LATEST : CxxSTD::V_2b;
    releaseSpeed.ASSIGN(cxxStd, TreatModuleAsSource::NO, TranslateInclude::YES, ConfigType::RELEASE);
    // releaseSpeed.compilerFeatures.requirementCompileDefinitions.emplace("USE_HEADER_UNITS", "1");

    Configuration &releaseSize = GetConfiguration("RSize");
    releaseSize.ASSIGN(cxxStd, TreatModuleAsSource::YES, ConfigType::RELEASE, Optimization::SPACE);

    if (selectiveConfigurationSpecification(&configurationSpecification))
        targets<SizeDifference>.emplace("Size-Difference", releaseSize, releaseSpeed);


This example showcases HMake's extensibility and support for drop-in replacement of header-files with header-units. GetCppObjectDSC is used for a target for which there is no link-target i.e. header-only cpp-target. In this case, header-unit only.

markArchivePoint function is a WIP. It will be used to specify that fmt, json, and stdhu are never meant to be changed. So, hbuild can ignore checking object-files of these for a rebuild.

This function call selectiveConfigurationSpecification(&configurationSpecification) means that if hbuild isn't executed in a configuration dir, then that configuration won't even be specified. Thus, a project can have multiple configurations, and rebuild speed won't be affected. HMake also has a selectiveBuild feature which means that for an app and its dependency, if hbuild executed in the app, then the app and dependency both would be built, but if executed in dependency, then only the dependency will be built.

TranslateInclude::YES will result in treating #include as import. In the MSVC case, it is /translateInclude flag specification. TreatModulesAsSource::YES causes the calls to MODULE_FILES and MODULE_DIRECTORIES routed to SOURCE_FILES and SOURCE_DIRECTORIES. Changing this to TreatModulesAsSource::NO will cause drop-in replacement to header-units of standard headers and headers coming from hconfigure directory but not of all headers. The reason is /translateInclude flag checks for header-units.json file in the header-directory and mentions only those in smulres that are mentioned in the file. Because this file is not present in external libs include-dirs, USE_HEADER_UNITS macro is defined to consume all header-files as header-units.

You can use hwrite to write the header-units.json file. Execute the hwrite in the respective directory, and pass it the extension. e.g. hwrite .hpp.

Please notice that HMake does not cache PRIVATE_HU_DIRECTORIES call. Neither it stores the contents of header-units.json file in cache. Both of which can impact the header-units to be built. So, if you change these when you have already built the project, nothing will happen. Because, header-units are discovered during the build-process, and as no file is compiled, these changes won't be reflected. To reflect these changes, delete the dependents targets build-dir. By dependents, I mean those targets that can import a header-unit from such a directory. Now, when such targets will be rebuilt, the changes will be reflected. I think, once set, you won't change it often. But, it might be cached later on as-well. So, if you change it all the dependent targets are completely rebuilt.

Also notice, that HMake does not check the .ifc file at all. If you externally update the .ifc or delete it, Please delete the corresponding .o file as well. This is for optimization. I think this is an acceptable tradeoff. .smrules file is only checked if .o file is newer than source-files. So, if you edit it externally, delete the corresponding .o file as-well.

Thus, for drop-in replacement, the compiler needs to support P1689R5 and a TranslateInclude::YES flag. GCC14 supports P1689R5 but has not been released yet. Clang isn't supported at the moment. As per the clang.jam (the b2 build-system Clang file), Clang uses GCC command-line on Linux and MSVC command-line on Windows. So, you can masquerade it as GCC or MSVC, however, clang.jam also sets the --target= flags on Windows which are not set by the HMake. Also clang-scan-deps, a different tool than clang supports P1689R5, I successfully tested with locally compiled Clang 18.1.0, but the scanner does not support header-units at the moment.

This leaves us with SizeDifference. This is used to determine the difference of sizes between Speed and Size builds. Only Executable targets are compared. The constructor set the dependencies. In round 0, then the updateBTarget will be called only after building the exe deps. SizeDifference most probably will be promoted to the HMake code-base, because, a feature like this might be interesting for other users as-well. Any feature in the wild that is needed by more than one project (preferably 5), will be integrated into the HMake. Extension points will be provided as the need arises.

Future Direction

I want to propose a new unconventional approach to code compilation. Instead of compiler and linker being executables, these can be shared-libs. The build-system will load these libs and call the respective functions. So the process setup cost is evaded. Also, the API can have functions that are to be called by the compiler or linker, whenever, a new file is to be read from the disk. This way, a header-file or .ifc file can be preserved for longer usage. The same file can be used by multiple processes. These are low-hanging fruits, but a complete API can also be designed. So, the compiler does not have the driver at all. The build-system itself acts as the driver. And when invoked, the compiler jumps straight into the act without first doing the argument parsing. If two compilers are doing the same thing conceptually, then one could be a drop-in replacement of the other.

I am also trying to expand the build algorithm, so, it can have smart thread-allocation for different tasks based on priority and quota. TODOs for these are mentioned in BasicTarget.hpp. Help would be appreciated.

Also, IDE/Editor tools need to parse the source-code for intelligent suggestions.
Can this be cached and supplied to the compiler backend, when the user builds the code, instead of doing full-build of the file?

HMake 1.0 will only be released when, a few of the mega projects like UE5, AOSP, Qt, etc. could be supported. So, the API can be considered idiomatic. Also, the support for popular languages, and frameworks like Android, IOS, and, the popular CI/CD etc. could be supported. I am confident about releasing 1.0 in the next 1-3 years. This depends, depends on reception.

If you maintain the build of a mega-project, want to add a futuristic feature or have code that uses C++20 modules, I am very interested in collaboration. If you just need help related to any aspect of HMake or have any opinion to share, Please feel free to approach me.


I have been working on this project, on and off, for close to two years. Please consider donating. Contact me here if you want to donate or you can donate to me through Patreon. Thanks.


C++ build system that uses C++ for build configuration.







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