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SQLManager - PHP MySQL Helper


This is a dead whatsit. Use the BeeDB class in BeeAPI instead. If you don't want to use the rest of the BeeAPI, just take that file and change the constructor a bit.

SQLManager is a PHP Class to help make interacting with your MySQL database easy. Using the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension, SQLManager is an easily reusable class that lets you focus on reading and writing data to your database without having to have PDO initialization code everywhere.


All you need to set up SQLManager is to set up a config.ini file with your database credentials and just drop the SQLManager.php file in your project. From there, all you need to do is reference it at the start of any file that's using it. You should probably put your config.ini file in a secured folder so it's all safe. And remember to always parameterize your SQL queries!

require_once "SqlManager/SqlManager.php";

After that, when you're ready to do some SQL queries, just create a new SQLManager object.

$sql = new SQLManager();

After that, you're all set! You can now use SQLManager to do queries for you.


For the following examples, assume there is a table in your database titled hats with this structure and contents:

id name height color owner
1 Bowler 5" purple Bob
2 Top Hat 1'3" black Susan
3 Trilby 3" grey Bob
4 Trilby 4" grey Big Bob
5 Garlic 2" white Wario
6 Wig 8" brown Bob


The Query function takes a SQL statement and parameterized array as input and returns the data needed to loop through the results. SQLManager uses the fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) method instead of fetchAll(), so a while loop is needed.

$sql = new SQLManager();
$table = $sql->Query("SELECT name, height FROM hats WHERE owner = :o", ["o" => "Bob"]);
while($row = $table->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
	echo "Bob's hat ".$row["name"]." is ".$row["height"]." tall!";

This will output:

Bob's hat Bowler is 5" tall!
Bob's hat Trilby is 3" tall!
Bob's hat Wig is 8" tall!


The QueryRow function takes a SQL statement and parameterized array as input and returns an associative array.

$sql = new SQLManager();
$row = $sql->QueryRow("SELECT id, name, color FROM hats WHERE id = :i", ["i" => 2]]);
echo "Hat #".$row["id"]." is a ".$row["color"]." ".$row["name"]."!";

This will output:

Hat #2 is a black Top Hat!


The QueryVal function takes a SQL statement and parameterized array as input and returns a single value.

$sql = new SQLManager();
$color = $sql->QueryVal("SELECT color FROM hats WHERE owner = :o AND name = :n", ["o" => "Big Bob", "n" => "Trilby"]]);
echo "Big Bob's trilby is $color!";

This will output:

Big Bob's trilby is grey!


QueryCount is the same as QueryVal, but its return is wrapped in intval, so the result will always be an integer type.

$sql = new SQLManager();
$hatCount = $sql->QueryCount("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hats");
echo "There are $hatCount hats!";

This will output:

There are 6 hats!


The QueryExists function behaves the same as QueryVal and QueryCount, but returns true or false depending on if the resulting query returned a number above 0 or not.

$sql = new SQLManager();
$hasHat = $sql->QueryExists("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hats WHERE owner = @o AND color = :c", ["o" => "Susan", "c" => "blue"]);
if($hasHat) {
	echo "Susan has at least one blue hat!";
} else {
	echo "Susan has no blue hats!";

This will output:

Susan has no blue hats!


This function will return the primary key of the last row inserted into the database using the current SQLManager instance.

$sql = new SQLManager();
$sql->Query("INSERT INTO hats (name, height, color, owner) VALUES (:n, :h, :c, :o)", ["n" => "Big Blue Hat", "h" => "5'5\"", "c" => "blue", "o" => "Susan"]);
echo $sql->GetLastInsertId();

This will output:



This function is just a combination of Query and GetLastInsertId for convenience.

$sql = new SQLManager();
echo $sql->InsertAndReturn("INSERT INTO hats (name, height, color, owner) VALUES (:n, :h, :c, :o)", ["n" => "Big Blue Hat", "h" => "5'5\"", "c" => "blue", "o" => "Susan"]);

This will output:



There is an additional Error Log added to this project to write errors to your error log in a consistent way. This function can also be modified so that your errors will be logged to a file or a database table.

ErrorLog::AddError("Test", "This is just a test!");

This will output, in your PHP error logs:

Test Error: This is just a test!


SQLManager is licensed GNU GPLv3 because sharing is caring.

Who Dares?

SQLManager was created by Sean Finch and is used in most of his web-based projects.


A PHP Class to make basic SQL queries easier.








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