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Releases: HaveAGitGat/Tdarr

Beta v1.2066 release [18th September 2020]

18 Sep 20:47
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  • Beta v1.3000 release [27th September 2020]:
  • Massively increased performance across application (10* faster queue builder, 10* less DB usage, up to 200* faster file checking on startup, ~20% less RAM, far more responsive UI especially when scanning files)
  • Fixed UI bug when creating a backup (backup size showing much lower than it should be)
  • Fixed folder watch bug (error saying txt file doesn't exist)
  • Moved scheduled hourly 'Scan (Find new)' to its own option instead of being enabled when 'Scan on start' enabled.
  • Beta v1.3001 release [1st October 2020]:
  • Massively reduced system load when running 'Scan (Find New)' or when folder watcher adding lots of files (~150* faster scanner prep time with 100,000 file library)
  • Fixed DB initialisation memory bug on startup if 30,000+ files
  • Beta v1.3002 release [3rd October 2020]:
  • Fix DB initialisation bug
  • Beta v1.3003 release [3rd October 2020]:
  • Added options to prioritise transcodes or health checks
  • Added option to ignore schedules

  • Beta v1.2070 release [25th September 2020]:
  • Fix for RAM/process issue when using folder watchers
  • Show worker statuses (Scanning, processing and moving)
  • Change message when worker is auto cancelled to "Item was cancelled automatically by the worker stall detector as no progress was detected for 5 minutes. You can disable this on the Options tab"
  • Disable MediaInfo scan when doing health checks (data not needed)
  • Fix for Windows CLI path issue when path has spaces
  • Status endpoint changed to '/api/v1/status' from '/api/status' in prep for more endpoints
  • SVG logos (thanks to Fish2)
  • Massively reduced logs when 'Verbose logs' disabled on 'Logs' tab
  • More responsive UI (especially when scanning libraries)
  • Fix harmless 'func.apply' error on startup

  • Beta v1.2068 release [19th September 2020]:
  • Fix for 'File is not a video' issue
  • Beta v1.2067 release [18th September 2020]:
  • Removed 'General' workers
  • Beta v1.2066 release [18th September 2020]:
  • Hide 'Low CPU Priority' toggle if running in Docker (prevent bug "pgrep cannot allocate 4611686018427387903 bytes" -
  • Reduce worker slider limits automatically when shutting down worker/s
  • Some UI changes
  • Fixed worker launch bug
  • Fixed FFmpeg worker percentages not showing in some cases
  • Fixed CCExtractor dependency error
  • Beta v1.206 release [17th September 2020]:
  • New lean database to reduce RAM usage.
  • Files are only scanned with FFprobe (and optionally CC Checker) during a library scan - the initial scan time is now much faster
  • This scan data is then stripped down to contain only the necessary data which Tdarr needs
  • Files are then scanned more thoroughly before plugins are executed so that full FFprobe and ExifTool data is available

  • Revert queue building being in separate process (reduce RAM issues)
  • Fixed bug whereby plugin validator wasn't running when toggling between "Community" and "Local" checkbox
  • Now no need to refresh plugin stack page after adding a new Local/Community plugin to the plugins folder.
  • Now no need to refresh page when saving an edited plugin on the "Plugins tab"
  • Now no need to refresh page after pressing "Copy to Local" on a Community plugin
  • Now no need to refresh page after creating new plugin in Plugin Creator
  • Some styling changes to pages to make more use of space (For example the library nav bar has been moved above the settings to give more width for the plugin stack and schedule)
  • Schedule now highlights current schedule block to make scheduling easier
  • Added warning if library source folder or transcode cache are empty
  • Click on file name on any of the tabs on the Tdarr tab to show full file details (on-demand file scan is carried out)
  • Fixed bug with worker percentages during FFmpeg health check
  • Fixed 'Scan on start' file scanner bug
  • Fixed RAM displaying incorrectly
  • Fixed slowness bug when 'Library prioritisation' enabled
  • MediaInfo scan re-added
  • Beta v1.2051 release [6th September 2020]:
  • Add 2 second delay before deleting/renaming/moving files to prevent 'lock' permission errors after transcode
  • Add worker spawn delay
  • Prevent transcode workers from requesting item while queue is being built
  • Beta v1.205 release [20th August 2020]:
  • Clean-up/reduce size of files' log and history on start-up
  • Add resource stats to dashboard for process and OS used/free memory as well as OS CPU%
  • Beta v1.204 release [10th August 2020]:
  • (NVDEC) FFmpeg thorough health checks now show percentages and ETA
  • Quicker chown when first starting Docker container
  • Fix file scanner not exiting when finished (due to new cancel scan button)
  • Fix workers temporarily running out of items when doing quick health checks
  • Beta v1.203 release [9th August 2020]:
  • FFmpeg thorough health checks now show percentages and ETA
  • Export txt file of files which have failed health checks
  • Button added to cancel a scan
  • Fixed schedule bug (Tdarr not processing files when library is in schedule)
  • Fixed FFmpeg and HandBrake processes not exiting when shutting down a worker
  • Fixed worker percentage bar sometimes disappearing/reappearing
  • Some UI changes (nav bar collapases earlier when compressing screen)
  • Beta v1.202 release [8th August 2020]:
  • Sort queue by codec
  • Fixed queue sort UI bug where selected sort doesn't show correctly
  • Removed old FFmpeg binary (3.4.5) and removed switch on Options tab to enable it - can no longer use due to FFmpeg dependency update for 4.2
  • Updated FFmpeg and HandBrake binary paths - can now set own binary paths using env variables (FFmpegPath and HandBrakePath)
  • Some UI changes (Logout button, release notes, plugins, workers)
  • Health check option with nvdec
  • Beta v1.201 release [5th August 2020]:
  • New authentication system (can now log in with Discord if you have the 'Patreon: Supporter' role)
  • New container (thanks to Rox) - testing this week
  • Container features:
  • Much smaller: 1.9GB to 0.61GB (Compressed)
  • Can set PUID/PGID
  • FFmpeg supports vaapi, quicksync, nvenc, npp and cuda
    Beta v1.200 release [30th July 2020]:
  • Queue builder moved to own thread (now 4-5x faster)
  • More robust stat and queue building process
  • Worker UI (Key elements highlighted in worker details + tidier process reasons)
  • MediaInfo added to file scanner (best option for bitrates, accessed at file.MediaInfo)
  • Priority Tdarr container for Patreon supporters
  • Fixed bug with Tdarr tab tables
  • 5 video tutorials

Beta v1.109 release [17th May 2020] - Imporant 'tdarr' container notice

17 May 23:16
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On Sunday 24th May 2020 the 'tdarr' container will be replaced with the 'tdarr_aio' container as the tdarr container does not provide much benefit but makes things increasingly difficult as Tdarr development progresses. It's also confusing for new users to have a selection of containers.
After 24th May 2020, both the tdarr and tdarr_aio containers will be the SAME but all documentation will direct new users to download the new 'tdarr' container. Existing tdarr_aio users can continue using that container (tdarr_aio) and will receive updates.
Current 'tdarr' container users will need to create a Tdarr backup (on the 'Backups' tab) and then restore the backup once they've set up the new 'tdarr' container on/after 24th May 2020.

In summary:
Pre 24th May 2020:
tdarr - Alpine image with MongoDB needed separately
tdarr_aio - all-in-one Ubuntu image with MongoDB inside and hardware transcoding

Post 24th May 2020:
tdarr - all-in-one Ubuntu image with MongoDB inside and hardware transcoding
tdarr_aio - all-in-one Ubuntu image with MongoDB inside and hardware transcoding

Please use the channels on the 'Help' tab if you have any questions

Beta v1.109 release [17th May 2020]:
-[New] Added health check and transcode cache description
-[New] More errors detected during thorough health check
-[New] Health check will be skipped if both options (Quick/Thorough) unchecked
-[New] Queue files for transcode even if they've failed reading with FFprobe
-[New] More comprehensive logging system
-[New] Clearer UI for how to edit library titles
-[New] Split FFmpeg input and output args with to prevent issues when FFmpeg command contains commas

Beta v1.1092 release [25th May 2020]:

Small fix for local plugin creator (plugins not saving)


18 Apr 15:06
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Tdarr-v1.108-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.108 release [18th April 2020]:
-[New] Added default plugins to new libraries
-[Improvement] Check other properties to calculate bitrate
-[Improvement] Reduce worker spawn rate
-[Improvement] Change process priority from "Below normal" to "Low" when switch enabled (Win)
-[Fix] Prevent folder watcher re-adding already scanned files


04 Apr 15:45
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Tdarr-v1.107-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.107 release [4th April 2020]:
-[New] tdarr_aio ffmpeg updated to 4.2.2 with libaom enabled
-[New] Small UI changes and help info updates
-[New] Folder watch: Option to use file system events (FSE) instead of polling (try if polling causes high CPU/disk IO). FSE may not work with all drives/shares.
-[New] HandBrake and FFmpeg binary paths passed to plugins
-[Improvement] Error shown if problem with reading plugin
-[Improvement] New files appended with '.partial' while copying to source to prevent app/services scanning temp file
-[Improvement] Logs saved to txt file (inside Tdarr/Logs) instead of DB
-[Fix] Detect if files are replaced with file of same file name+extension
-[Fix] Limit transcode error logs to 200 lines (Sometimes 70,000+ lines which causes DB issues)
-[Fix] Info log added for post-processing plugins
-[Fix] Prevent corrupt item causing whole backup restore process to stop


20 Mar 20:53
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Tdarr-v1.106-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.106 release [20th March 2020]:
-[New] Option to copy community plugins to local
-[New] Option to edit source code of local plugins
-[New] A simple daily scan will occur if 'Scan on start' is enabled for library (prevents some disk IO issues some people have with the folder watcher)
-[New] Option on 'Options' tab to change resolution boundaries
-[New] Option to reset all stats or individual library stats
-[Improvement] Tab state no longer saved for plugin, library and library sub-section tabs
-[Fix] Text breaking in worker UI
-[Fix] Small CPU spikes when idle
-[Fix] Button error if restoring from backup
-[Fix] Delete local plugin button restored


20 Feb 09:24
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Tdarr-v1.105-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.105 release [20th Feb 2020]:
-[New] Categorised plugin browser
-[New] Set backup limit (Options tab - default 30)
-[New] Alert on Tdarr tab if libraries unchecked/out of schedule
-[Improvement] Git not required on host OS
-[Improvement] File scanner fails more rarely
-[Improvement] Snappier plugin stack UI
-[Improvement] Numerous other UI changes (workers, schedule, plugin stack, search results, backups etc)
-[Fix] Local images show when using base path


07 Feb 21:59
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Tdarr-v1.104-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.104 release [7th Feb 2020]:
-[New] Option to copy/paste plugin stack
-[New] Option to rescan individual files
-[New] Server time added to dashboard/schedule tab to help with schedule debugging

-[New] Current plugins now referred to as 'Pre-processing' plugins
-[New] onTranscodeError, onTranscodeSuccess availability added to Pre-processing plugins
-[New]'Post-processing' plugins now possible - execute at very end of plugin stack

-[New] More information passed to plugins (custom inputs configurable from plugin stack UI, library settings)

-[New] Plugins can update/remove files in database
-[New] Workers now show that a file is being copied after transcoding has finished
-[New] Plugin stack progress added to workers. E.g (3/5)
-[New] Cache cleaner run on startup
-[New] HandBrakeCLI updated to 1.3.1 on Windows and tdarr_aio
-[New] FFmpeg 4.2 is now default on tdarr_aio


-[Fix] Prevent file scanner crashing on certain files
-[Fix] Prevent problem with one database collection stopping other collection backups


27 Jan 17:21
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Tdarr-v1.103-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.103 release [27th Jan 2020]:
-[New] Option to set folder watch scan interval (default 30 secs)
-[New] Button to skip all for transcode and health check queues
-[New] Option on 'Options' tab to toggle worker stall detector
-[New] Basic output file size estimation shown on workers
-[Re-Fix] Prevent too many workers being started
-[Fix] Links open correctly when using context menu
-[Fix] Images stored locally


18 Jan 16:04
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Tdarr-v1.102-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.102 release [18th Jan 2020]:
-[New] Plugin creator option (Filter by age) - select 'Date created' or 'Date modified'
-[New] Plugin creator option (Filter by age) - include files OLDER than specified time
-[New] Options to sort queue by date (Scanned, Created, Modified)
-[Fix] Audio file codec not showing in search results
-[Fix] MJPEG video incorrectly tagged as audio file
-[Fix] Default plugin priority
-[Fix] 'Too many packets buffered for output stream' when health checking
-[Fix] Folder path placeholder text


06 Dec 20:06
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Tdarr-v1.101-Beta Pre-release

Beta v1.101 release [06 Dec 19]:
-[New] Force processing of files
-[New] Action: HandBrake basic options
-[New] Action: Add one audio stream
-[New] Action: Keep one audio stream
-[New] Action: Standardise audio stream codecs
-[New] Channel count now shown in streams table
-[Fix] Rare search result bug (no results shown)
-[Fix] Audio files with cover art being detected as video