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Flash Builder Setup

HawpT edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 3 revisions


Flash Builder 4.7 from the creative cloud.

Set up the Project

If you do not have a project yet, copy the Testing folder into your workspace directory. Now make a new ActionScript Project and name it Testing, and by default make it as a web application. If you already have a Testing folder, make sure to replace all duplicate files to ensure that you are updated to the current build of our program.

You need to add the Starling src folder into your projects builds so that you can use Starling code. To do this, right click on the project and select properties. Then go the ActionScript Build Path on the left, and add a folder to the source path tab.

Testing the Project

You can either test the game in your browser, or with Adobe Air as a desktop app. If you want to use the debugger, you must use the latter option. You can switch back and forth between the two, but there are a couple things you need to change. To do this, select properties from the project again.

This time, go to the ActionScript Compiler on the left. The checkboxes at the bottom are what we are going to change. If you want to run it on a browser, check the HTML wrapper option. If not, uncheck it.

If you generate an HTML wrapper, every time you change from testing as a desktop app to a web app, you need to add a single line to the HTML wrapper file: "index.template.html" To do this, right click the file in the html-template folder, and select open with text editor

where the params.* are listed, add the line: params.wmode = "direct"