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These branding guidelines will help you determine the best way to use our logo.

Our logo comes in several variations:

1. Logotype

Use whenever possible.

Haxe logo

Download: PNG (normal) | PNG (large) | PDF | SVG

Haxe logo

Download: PNG (normal) | PNG (large) | PDF | SVG

2. Glyph

Use in UI with limited space.

Haxe logo glyph

Download: PNG | PDF | SVG

3. Vertical lockup

Use this only in marketing with limited space.

Haxe vertical logo

Download: PNG | PDF | SVG

Haxe vertical logo

Download: PNG | PDF | SVG

4. Outlined glyph

Use in UI with limited space.

haxe logo outline

Download: PNG (black) | PNG (white) | PNG (orange) | PDF | SVG

Can be used in black, white and orange.

Branding colors

Our primary color and used most often.

Haxe Orange

rgb(234, 130, 32)
hsl(29, 83% 52%)

Secondary colors

The logo stands out very well on dark gray and white backgrounds. Also with a very subtle gradients.


hsl(0, 100%, 100%)


hsl(47, 97%, 98%)

Dark red

hsl(10, 50%, 44%)

Almost Black

hsl(240, 11%, 9%)

Thanks for not embellishing on the logo with shadows, patterns, intricate backgrounds, or elaborate gold jewelry.