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Project Planning

Amal Azazi edited this page Jul 5, 2020 · 3 revisions


To use concurrent programming techniques to solve the concurrent problem.


  1. The game must be build using multithreading.
  2. The game takes three arguments from the user, n(number of points), t(number of threads) and m (duration of the program in seconds).
  3. The program creates n random points
  4. The points must be floating points coordinates in a 1000 x 1000 region.
  5. The program creates t threads
  6. Each thread picks a pair of points to create an edge
  7. Store the pair of connected points.
  8. Each point can be used to form only one edge
  9. Display the number of edges created successfully and the number of points left.

Project Timeline


  • Source code and executable jar files of GUI
  • Wiki progress report
  • Video presentation

Software Development Methodology

We decided to use the Agile software development methodology to build this game. As it allows us to split the project development into two phases and apply continuous planing, designing and testing for each phase.