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		Shell System Information Fetcher - v2022.02.16
		A modular, hackable, fetch script written in Bash

		This program may be freely redistributed
		under the terms of The MIT License.

		The-Repo-Club <>

How do I install shellfetch?

basher install

on Arch BTW?

Follow one of the 3 simple ways to install below.

Download: PKGBUILD and make with makepkg -sfi

Install: Custom Repo then just use pacman -S shellfetch

AUR: YAY just use yay -S shellfetch

Anything other then Arch base.

First, install the dependencies: xrandr, figlet and bash. Then run the following commands

git clone ~/.shellfetch
cd ~/.shellfetch
sudo make install



-s	|	--source	)	specify config file path
-f	|	--file		)	specify ascii art
-c	|	--center	)	print on center
-v	|	--version	)	get version info
-sc	|	--setcolors	)	change the colors of the output
-h	|	--help		)	get help


You can edit the ~/.config/shellfetch/config.conf file to reorder segments, add your own functions, or remove some. You can also set ascii art, color and to be centered or not.

Add a new function

  1. Create a function at the top of the config like below.
get_test() {
	PrintLine "$Alignment" "${boldText}${headPageColor}%b${resetColor}${sysPageColor}%b${resetColor}" "Header $sep " "Body of the text to display can also include ${var}'s"
  1. Call the function within the segments section of the config.

Man Screenshots

Click to view! man


Click to view! screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3 screenshot4