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React Procedural Context Menu




Install the package:

npm i react-context-menu


yarn add react-context-menu

How to use, the easy way:

Step 1: Making a Menu

  • A menu is an array of small menu entries.

  • A menu entry looks like this, { text: "Label for the entry" }

  • You can choose to do something, when it's clicked { text: "Label1", onClick: () => console.log('Label1 was Clicked') }

  • Like this you can make a simple menu, [ { text: "Label1", onClick: () => console.log('Label1 was Clicked') }, { text: "Label2", onClick: () => console.log('Label2 was Clicked') } ]

  • A menu item can also have it's own submenu, { text: "Label for the entry", sub: [...another menu...] }

  • Instead of plaintext you can also use a react component { component: <>Github <img src="" /></> }

Step 2: Using the premade wrapper

  • Import the wrapper div, this defines the region for context menu action import ContextMenuWrapperDiv from "./ContextMenu/ContextMenuWrapperDiv";

  • Make a menu collection, menuCollection = { hotkeys: { shifta: someMenu }, contextMenu: someOtherMenu }

  • Use the wrapper div and pass it the menu collection <ContextMenuWrapperDiv menus={menuCollection}> {...content...} </ContextMenuWrapperDiv>

  • It behaves like a normal div and you can use all of a normal div's props

  • Moreover it takes in 2 additional props, itemStyle and wrapperStyle

  • itemStyle can be used to style the items in the context menu

  • wrapperStyle can be used to style the wrapper of the context menu itself

How to use, for powerusers:

  • Import the ContextMenu Component import { ContextMenu } from "react-procedural-context-menu";

  • Unlike the wrapper div this takes in a single menu, <ContextMenu contextMenuItems={someMenu} >

  • This component is just the menu with no activation logic

  • You have to implement the logic of when and where to render it yourself

  • It still has itemStyle and wrapperStyle for the same reasons

  • Tip: You can use wrapperStyle to position it


A procedural hotkey-able context menu for react






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