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Updated and semi-rewritten version of azurlane-auto.
Automates Combat, Commissions, Missions, Enhancement and Retiring.

This bot was made for EN server, other servers won't work with current assets.

Requirements on Windows

  • Python 3.X installed and added to PATH.
  • Latest ADB added to PATH.
  • ADB debugging enabled emulator with 1920x1080 resolution and Android 5 or newer.

Tested and used on Windows 10 with Nox, Android 5.1 @ 60fps. If it does not work with your emulator please use Nox.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Install the required packages via pip3 with the command pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Enable adb debugging on your emulator, on Nox you might also need to enable root.
  4. Change config.ini's IP:PORT to and your emulator's adb port, then change the rest to your likings.
  5. Run ALAuto using the command python

Check the Wiki for more information. It's my first time making one, don't mind me.

Using Config.ini

Setting up Config.ini will tell ALAuto which map to run combat in and how to handle ship retirement, mission rewards, and more.


Service: Configure your ADB server ip and port here, example Service: Alternatively leave as Service: IP:PORT to default to


Setup which map ALAuto will run combat in here.

Enabled: ALAuto will navigate from the main menu to the map you specify.
Options: True to enable the combat cycle. False to disable combat.
Example: Enabled: True

Map: Supported standard maps 1-1 through 8-4. Additional map names and events supported are A1 to D4 and The Pursuit of Graf Spree E-SP1 to E-SP3.
Examples: Map: 3-4 or Map: E-SP2

RetireCycle: How many times ALAuth will complete combat of a map before navigating to the Retire menu to retire common and rare ships only. Elite and above ships will never be retired.
Example: RetireCycle: 2


This section is for configuring ALAuto quality of life features.

Commisions: ALAuto will automatically populate and start commisions.
Options: True enable automatically accepting and completing commisions. False do not automatically accept or complete commisions.
Example: Commisions: False

Enhancement: ALAuto will use common ships as enhancements instead of retiring them. Options: True enhance fleet with common ships. False do not use common ships to enhance fleet.
Example: Enhancement: False

Missions: ALAuto will accept missions rewards automatically.
Options: True receive rewards from missions automatically when they become available. False do not automatically accept missions rewards.
Example: Missions: True

Retirement: ALAuto will use the Ship Build Retire menu to retire common and rare ships every RetireCycle (described above). Options: True enable retiring common and rare ships. False do not automatically retire common and rare ships.
Note: without setting this to true, your ship dock will quickly fill up and prevent you from continuing combat.
Example: Retirement: True


This section provides support for certain in-game events. Currently supports Crosswave only.

Enabled: ALAuto will navigate to the Crosswave event and run combat on the maps you choose.
Options: True run combat in Crosswave event levels. False do not run combat in Crosswave event levels.
Example: Enabled: False

Event: Specify the event name to run combat in.
Note: some events may be supported in the [Combat] section, described above. See the map names for more detail. Support for additional events may be added here in the future.
Example: Event: Crosswave

Levels: Crosswave maps supported by difficulty level. Options: E Easy, N Normal, H Hard, EX E.X.
Examples: Levels: E,N or Levels: N,H,EX

Relevant information

  • It does not support multiple fleets, it only works when one fleet is selected.
  • CPU usage might spike when searching for enemies, if it bothers you comment lines 121 to 129 in

This was made for my own usage, it is far from good and I'm very aware of it. I am posting this because it might be useful to someone, that's all.
If you'd like to contribute in any way make sure to open a pull request or an issue.