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Savefile Layout

Ben Ballard edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 8 revisions

This page will talk about how the savefile is laid out, and what each tag does.

The savefile starts with an { and ends with an }.

Format : tag (parameters: [] array, {} object, int integer, str string, bool boolean, key JSON key)

bonus_prerequisites [str]: An array of strings that tell which hidden missions are unlocked.
Possible values (incomplete, please help out if you can):

  • "creepycrypt",
  • "soggycave",
  • "mooshroomisland",
  • "bamboobluff",
  • "lowertemple",
  • "underhalls",
  • "lostsettlement"

clone bool: Tells if the file is a copy of another.

cosmetics [{}]: An array of objects {id (str), type (str)} that tell what cosmetics the player has on.
Possible ID and Types (incomplete):

  • {ArcticFox, Pet},
  • {SinisterCape, Cape}

cosmeticsEverEquipped [str]: An array of strings that tell what cosmetics the player has equipped at least once (just uses the ID, not the type).

creationDate str: Presumably the date the file was created. Must have been added after release, since mine is blank.

currency [{}]: An array of all the currencies, currently 2. {count (int), type (str)}. Currently, the only types are Emerald and Gold.

customized bool: Unsure about this one.

difficulties {key}: There are 3 keys for this object: announced, selected, and unlocked. The announced is referring to the in-game pop-up when you unlock a new difficulty.

endGameContentProgress {key}: I'm unsure about this one, but the one key announcedUnlockedContent takes a [str].
Possible values (incomplete?):

  • EndlessStruggle,
  • HyperMission

finishedObjectiveTags [key]: Not sure on this one either, might have been for some scrapped achievements? There are two keys, Objective_RescuedVillager and cannot-attach-projectiles. Both of these take an int for values.

Preparing the save and troubleshooting



Editing Gear

-Weapon (Basic)


-Editing Other Stats


-Gear IDs
-Item/Gear Layout
-Savefile Layout

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