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This repository includes three remote repositories.

  • libhotstuff_tx: The code base is taken from Hotstuff repository libhotstuff and added support for small-bank transactions.
  • Themis_tx: We have implemented Themis based on the algorithms given in the paper Themis. Along with that we have also added support for small-bank transactions.
  • Rashnu: A high-performance fair ordering protocol designed and implemented by us with a small-bank transaction support.

The directory structure of all the three projects is the same.

Rashnu Motivation

Rashnu is a practical high-performance fair ordering protocol. Rashnu is motivated by the fact that fair ordering among two transactions is needed when both transactions access a shared resource.

Rashnu Installation

Install from the repo

Ensure openssl and libevent are installed on your machine, more specifically, you need:

  • CMake >= 3.9 (cmake)
  • C++14 (g++)
  • libuv >= 1.10.0 (libuv1-dev)
  • openssl >= 1.1.0 (libssl-dev)
  • on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libuv1-dev cmake make

Build project

  • make

Run Rashnu locally

  • Make sure in the scripts/ file number of replicas are 0 to 3.
  • Make sure the hotstuff.conf file has exactly 4 replica signatures.
  • start 4 demo replicas with scripts/
  • start the demo client with scripts/ in another terminal
  • Use Ctrl-C to terminate the client and replicas

Reproducing the Results

Step 1 - Environment and Dependencies

Local Environment

Note: Following steps need to be done on your work computer (a work computer is your laptop/home computer).

  • Install the latest Ansible.
  • If .ssh is not present on the host machine, run following: mkdir ~/.ssh; chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  • set PATH variable in ~/.bashrc if not set already export PATH="$HOME/usr/bin:$PATH" export PATH="$HOME/usr/lib:$PATH" source ~/.bashrc
  • Install numpy using following command: pip3 install numpy
  • Cloned the latest Order-Fairness repo and updated all submodules (if not sure, run git submodule update --init --recursive). Finally, you have already built the repo so binaries hotstuff-keygen and hotstuff-tls-keygen are available in the root directory of the repo.
  • Right now, you should be at the <path-to-your-Order-Fairness-repo>/Rashnu/scripts/deploy directory in your shell.

Remote Environment

Node: In this example, we use a typical Linux image, Ubuntu 18.04, on Cloudlab. But any machine with Ubuntu 18.04 installed may work, in general.

  • Update the remote machine sudo apt-get update -y; sudo apt-get upgrade;
  • Install libuv1-dev by running following: sudo apt-get install -y libuv1-dev
  • All machines should be accessible from your work computer given an ssh private key. Generate ssh rsa key pair cd ~/.ssh/; ssh-keygen; cd
  • properly configured the intra-network for the machines that participate in our experiment
    • Replica machines should be able to talk to each other via TCP port ranging from 10000 (default value generated by, which could be changed).
    • Each client machine should be able to talk to all replica machines via TCP ranging from 20000.
    • To properly configure the intra-network, turn on the firewall, and open TCP ports 10000, 20000, 22. sudo ufw enable; sudo ufw allow 10000/tcp; sudo ufw allow 20000/tcp; sudo ufw allow 22/tcp; sudo ufw status verbose;

Step 2 - Generate the Deployment Setup

  • Edit both replicas.txt and client.txt:

    • replicas.txt: each line is the external IP and local IP separated by one or more spaces. The external IP will be used for control actions between your work computer and replica machines, whereas the local IP is the address used in your inter-replica network infrastructure, with which replicas establish TCP connections with others.
    • clients.txt: each line is a single external IP.
    • The same IP can appear multiple times in both files. In this case, you will share the same machine among different processes (not recommended for replicas due to performance reasons).
  • Update the configuration flags according to the requirement in ./

  • Generate node.ini and hotstuff.gen.*.conf by running ./

  • Change the ssh key configuration, user name and paths carefully based on your remote machines home directory paths in group_vars/all.yml.

  • Build Rashnu on all remote machine by ./ setup.

Step 3 - Run the Experiment

  • (optional) Change the parameters in hotstuff.gen.conf to your liking.
  • (optional) Change the parameters in group_vars/clients.yml to your liking.
  • (for replicas) Create a new experiment run and start all replica processes by ./ new myrun1. (wait for a while until all replica processes settle down, for good network like EC2, 10 seconds should be more than enough)
  • (for replicas) Create a new experiment run and start all client processes by ./ new myrun1_cli.
  • (wait until all commands are submitted, or you simply would like to end the experiment)
  • To collect the results, run ./ stop myrun1_cli followed by ./ fetch myrun1_cli.
  • To analyze the results, run cat myrun1_cli/remote/*/log/stderr | python ../
  • Finally, stop replicas: ./ stop myrun1.

Other Notes

  • Each ./ new (same for ./ will create a folder that contains everything (chosen parameters, raw results) for the run. A good practice is to always move on to a new name for a different run, so you keep all of your previous experiments nicely.
  • The script does NOT detect whether there is some other unfinished run (it does, however, prevents you from messing up the state of the same run, given the id like "myrun1"), so you need to make sure you always stop (gracefully exit and all results are available) or reset (simply kill all processes) any historical runs to start fresh.
  • To check whether processes are still alive: ./ check myrun1.


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