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Allow creation of 'Element' in 'Limbo', i.e. without specifying a bro…
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…wser window in advance. Implementation of 'getValue' still missing. #24
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HeinrichApfelmus committed Jun 29, 2013
1 parent fb877c4 commit 7b60bc5
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 62 deletions.
163 changes: 101 additions & 62 deletions src/Graphics/UI/Threepenny/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core (
Config(..), startGUI,
loadFile, loadDirectory,

-- * Manipulate DOM elements
Window, title, getHead, getBody, getWindow, cookies, getRequestLocation,
Element, newElement, delete, appendTo,
-- * Browser Window
Window, title, cookies, getRequestLocation,

-- * DOM elements
Element, mkElement, delete, (#+), string,
getHead, getBody,
children, text, html, attr, value,
getElementsByTagName, getElementByTagName, getElementsById, getElementById,

-- * Create DOM elements
Dom, withWindow, mkElement, string, (#+),

-- * Layout
-- | Combinators for quickly creating layouts.
-- They can be adjusted with CSS later on.
Expand All @@ -41,23 +41,29 @@ module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core (

) where

import Data.Functor
import Control.Event
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as Reader

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.IORef

import Data.String (fromString)

import Network.URI

import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Core as Core
-- TODO: redefine functions to use the new Element type
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Core
(getHead, getBody, getRequestLocation, delete, getValuesList,
getElementById, getElementsById, getElementsByTagName, getElementByTagName,
debug, clear, callFunction, runFunction, callDeferredFunction,
atomic, newElement, )
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Types as Core

(getHead, getBody, delete, getValuesList,
getElementById, getElementsById, getElementsByTagName, getElementByTagName)
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Core
debug, clear, callFunction, runFunction, callDeferredFunction, atomic, )
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Types as Core
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Types (Window, Config, EventData)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,12 +131,8 @@ loadDirectory :: Window -> FilePath -> IO String
loadDirectory = Core.loadDirectory

Manipulate DOM
Browser window
-- | Retrieve 'Window' that a given 'Element' resides in.
getWindow :: Element -> Window
getWindow = elSession

-- | Title of the client window.
title :: WriteAttr Window String
title = mkWriteAttr Core.setTitle
Expand All @@ -139,28 +141,69 @@ title = mkWriteAttr Core.setTitle
cookies :: ReadAttr Window [(String,String)]
cookies = mkReadAttr Core.getRequestCookies

newtype Element = Element (MVar Elem)
data Elem
= Alive Core.Element -- element exists in a window
| Limbo (Window -> IO Core.Element) -- still needs to be created

-- Update an element that may be in Limbo.
updateElement :: (Core.Element -> IO ()) -> Element -> IO ()
updateElement f (Element me) = do
e <- takeMVar me
case e of
Alive e -> do -- update immediately
f e
putMVar me $ Alive e
Limbo create -> -- update on creation
putMVar me $ Limbo $ \w -> create w >>= \e -> f e >> return e

-- Given a browser window, make sure that the element exists there.
-- TODO: 1. Throw exception if the element exists in another window.
-- 2. Don't throw exception, but move the element across windows.
manifestElement :: Window -> Element -> IO Core.Element
manifestElement w (Element me) = do
e1 <- takeMVar me
e2 <- case e1 of
Alive e -> return e
Limbo create -> create w
putMVar me $ Alive e2
return e2

-- Append a child element to a parent element. Non-blocking.
:: Element -- ^ Parent.
-> Element -- ^ Child.
-> IO ()
appendTo parent child = do
flip updateElement parent $ \x -> do
y <- manifestElement (Core.getWindow x) child
Core.appendElementTo x y

-- | Make a new DOM element.
:: String -- ^ Tag name
-> IO Element
mkElement tag = Element <$> newMVar (Limbo $ \w -> Core.newElement w tag)

-- | Child elements of a given element.
children :: WriteAttr Element [Element]
children = mkWriteAttr set
set xs x = do
Core.emptyEl x
mapM_ (Core.appendElementTo x) xs

-- | Append a child element to a parent element. Non-blocking.
appendTo :: MonadIO m
=> Element -- ^ Parent.
-> m Element -- ^ Child.
-> m Element -- ^ Returns a reference to the child element again.
appendTo x my = do { y <- my; liftIO $ Core.appendElementTo x y; }
updateElement Core.emptyEl x
mapM_ (appendTo x) xs

-- | Child elements of a given element as a HTML string.
html :: WriteAttr Element String
html = mkWriteAttr (\i x -> Core.setHtml i x # void)
html = mkWriteAttr (updateElement . Core.setHtml)

-- | HTML attributes of an element.
attr :: String -> WriteAttr Element String
attr name = mkWriteAttr (\i x -> Core.setAttr name i x # void)
attr name = mkWriteAttr (updateElement . Core.setAttr name)

-- | Value attribute of an element.
-- Particularly relevant for control widgets like 'input'.
Expand All @@ -169,45 +212,29 @@ value = mkReadWriteAttr Core.getValue (set' $ attr "value")

-- | Text content of an element.
text :: WriteAttr Element String
text = mkWriteAttr (\i x -> Core.setText i x # void)

Create DOM
-- | Monad for creating 'Element' in a specific 'Window'
type Dom = ReaderT Window IO

-- | Build elements in a particular window
withWindow :: Window -> Dom a -> IO a
withWindow w m = runReaderT m w

-- | Make a new DOM element.
:: String -- ^ Tag name
-> Dom Element
mkElement tag = ReaderT $ \w -> Core.newElement w tag
text = mkWriteAttr (updateElement . Core.setText)

-- | Make a @span@ element with a given text content.
string :: String -> Dom Element
string :: String -> IO Element
string s = mkElement "span" # set text s

-- | Append dom elements as children to a given element.
(#+) :: MonadIO m => m Element -> [Dom Element] -> m Element
(#+) :: IO Element -> [IO Element] -> IO Element
(#+) mx mys = do
x <- mx
ys <- liftIO $ withWindow (elSession x) $ sequence mys
liftIO $ mapM_ (Core.appendElementTo x) ys
ys <- sequence mys
mapM_ (appendTo x) ys
return x

-- | Align given elements in a row. Special case of 'grid'.
row :: [Dom Element] -> Dom Element
row :: [IO Element] -> IO Element
row xs = grid [xs]

-- | Align given elements in a column. Special case of 'grid'.
column :: [Dom Element] -> Dom Element
column :: [IO Element] -> IO Element
column = grid . map (:[])

-- | Align given elements in a rectangular grid.
Expand All @@ -229,7 +256,7 @@ column = grid . map (:[])
-- You can customatize the actual layout by assigning an @id@ to the element
-- and changing the @.table@, @.table-row@ and @table-column@
-- classes in a custom CSS file.
grid :: [[Dom Element]] -> Dom Element
grid :: [[IO Element]] -> IO Element
grid mrows = do
rows0 <- mapM (sequence) mrows

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,15 +284,28 @@ domEvent
-- the name is @click@ and so on.
-> Element -- ^ Element where the event is to occur.
-> Event EventData
domEvent = Core.bind
domEvent name element = Control.Event.Event $ \handler -> do
ref <- newIORef $ return ()
-- register handler and remember unregister function
register' = flip updateElement element $ \e -> do
unregister <- register (Core.bind name e) handler
writeIORef ref unregister

-- update element to unregister the event handler
unregister' = flip updateElement element $ \_ -> do
join $ readIORef ref

return unregister'

-- | Convenience function to register 'Event's for 'Element's.
-- Example:
-- > on click element $ \_ -> ...
on :: MonadIO m => (element -> Event a) -> element -> (a -> IO void) -> m ()
on f x h = liftIO $ register (f x) (void . h) >> return ()
on :: (element -> Event a) -> element -> (a -> IO void) -> IO ()
on f x h = register (f x) (void . h) >> return ()

Expand All @@ -280,26 +320,25 @@ infixl 8 #.
-- Example usage.
-- > newElement window "div"
-- > mkElement window "div"
-- > # set style [("color","#CCAABB")]
-- > # set draggable True
-- > # set children otherElements
(#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(#) = flip ($)

-- | Convenient combinator for setting the CSS class on element creation.
(#.) :: Dom Element -> String -> Dom Element
(#.) :: IO Element -> String -> IO Element
(#.) mx s = mx # set (attr "class") s

-- | Convience synonym for 'return' to make elements work well with 'set'
-- and with the 'Dom' monad.
-- | Convience synonym for 'return' to make elements work well with 'set'.
-- Example usage.
-- > e <- newElement window "button"
-- > e <- mkElement "button"
-- > element e # set text "Ok"
element :: Monad m => Element -> m Element
element :: Element -> IO Element
element = return

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Graphics/UI/Threepenny/Internal/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal.Core
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,6 +491,10 @@ getValue e@(Element el window) =
Value str -> return (Just str)
_ -> return Nothing

-- | Get 'Window' associated to an 'Element'.
getWindow :: Element -> Window
getWindow (Element _ window) = window

-- | Get values from inputs. Blocks. This is faster than many 'getValue' invocations.
:: [Element] -- ^ A list of elements to get the values of.
Expand Down

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