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Evolutionary Parameters

Rushikesh Jachak edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 1 revision

You can read more about the parameters required for Grammatical Evolution here. The default parameters used for GETS framework are:

1. CACHE:                  True
2. CODON_SIZE:             512
3. CROSSOVER:              variable_onepoint
5. MUTATION:               int_flip_per_codon
7. DATASET_TRAIN:          path_to_training_dataset
8. DATASET_TEST:           path_to_test_dataset
9. GENERATIONS:            100
10. INITIALISATION:        PI_grow
11. POPULATION_SIZE:       500
12. REPLACEMENT:           generational
13. SELECTION:             tournament
14. TOURNAMENT_SIZE:       2
15. VERBOSE:               False
16. GRAMMAR_FILE:          path_to_grammar_file
17. FITNESS_FUNCTION:      path_to_fitness function

Note 1: The training and test dataset must be present inside the datasets folder.

Note 2: The grammar file must be stored inside the grammar/gets folder.

Note 3: The fitness file should be stored inside src/fitness/gets a folder.

Note 4: You can create and experiment parameters by creating a parameter.txt file and storing it in parameters/gets folder. To run the experiment with same file.

python --parameters gets/parameter.txt