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Holt's Winter Exponential Smoothing

Rushikesh Jachak edited this page Oct 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

Holts’ Winter Exponential Smoothing (HWES) or Triple Exponential Smoothing (TES) is a robust model which captures level and trend along with seasonality component.

Forecast equation for HWES:

levelt = levelt-1 + trendt-1 + (alpha) * (observedt-1 - levelt-1 - trendt-1 - seasont-m)

trendt = trendt-1 + beta *(levelt - levelt-1 - trendt-1 )

seasont = seasont-m + gamma*(observedt-1 -levelt-1 - seasont-m)

forecastt+k = levelt + trendt

Grammar for HES:

As discussed in HES ('s-Exponential-Smoothing) alpha and beta controls the smoothing of level and trend respectively while gamma is the smoothing factor for seasonality over a period of time. This requires evolving five parameters, mainly alpha, beta, gamma, period_of_seasonality and step which are substituted in the above equation to make forecast using HWES.

Sample Derivation Tree:

Executing HES ( Please make sure that you are in src folder)

python --parameters gets/tes.txt

By default it runs on Daily Waste Generated dataset. Command to run on the custom dataset:

python --parameters gets/tes.txt --dataset_train path_to_traindataset --dataset_test path_to_testdataset.