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HelloCrossy edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 2 revisions


Bamboo is an extreme specialist diet.
To feed bamboo specialist animals, the player can grow any of the three types: vanilla minecraft's green bamboo, or ZAWA's yellow or black bamboo.


Eucalyptus is an extreme specialist diet. To feed eucalyptus specialists, the player will have to find and farm eucalyptus plants. Eucalyptus is easily grown on dirt, grass, or podzol, and the leaves can be harvested with shears. Growing eucalyptus inside an enclosure with animals is easy, and provides a convenient, instant food source.


Frugivore combines the Parrot and Frugivore diets from ZAWA: Rebuilt.
Frugivore animals eat fruit, seeds, and grain products. With most early or mid-game farms, zookeepers can feed them using crop seed byproducts. Most animals that use the diet are small birds and primates that have minimal care needs, and can be a good start for new builders.
Zookeepers can also grow prickly pear, which, when harvested with shears, yields edible fruit for animals and players.


Herbivore is for generalist plant eaters: herbivorous animals can eat leaves, fruit, tubers, saplings, and most other plants and plant products. They are fairly easy to feed, and are the least picky of the herbivore diets.


Insectiviore is for animals that eat arthropods. Insectivores can eat the item forms of Ambient insects, but the most efficient way to feed them is to farm insects using a set of multiple bug boxes.

Large carnivore

Large carnivore is primarily by big cats and canids. Animals that use the large carnivore diet are hypercarnivores, and can only eat raw meat from large prey animals. Feeding many large carnivore animals without a large farm can be difficult.


Nectivore is for specialists that subsist exclusively on flower nectar and similar products.
Nectivore currently goes unused by ZAWA native animals, but is an option that exists in code for addon creators.


Omnivore is for omnivorous animals, which are the most general eaters in the game; and with some exceptions, can eat almost every food item in the game. Omnivores can be fed most animal products, fish, shellfish, insects, eggs, fruit, vegetables and grain. They can also eat some prepared foods, such as cooked meat.
Omnivores can eat nearly every food item in the game, but do not get as much food value out of them as more specialized animals do. For example, while large carnivore animals get 3.5 shanks (7 points) from raw beef, omnivores only get 2 shanks (4 points).


Piscivore is used by all toothed cetaceans, such as the Orca, as well as large full-roster fish.
Piscivore animals are fish-eating carnivores. With a farm of Salmon or Cod, raising enough fish to feed these animals is a mid-game task for most zookeepers.


Ruminant replaces the grazer diet in ZAWA: Rebuilt.
Ruminant animals eat low-value, high fiber plant material. They can also graze on grass blocks, like vanilla sheep.
While they may seem difficult to feed on the surface, almost all of ruminants' food needs can be met by proper enclosure building. Zookeepers can plan enclosures with large ungulate animals to be landscaped with grass blocks for grazing, and supplement it with other items.


Scavenger is an extreme generalist carnivore diet. Scavenging animals can eat everything that large and small carnivores can eat, as well as fish, shellfish and insect protein. Unlike these animals, scavengers can also eat waste products such as bones, leather, rabbit feet, and rotten flesh.
As a trade-off for being extreme generalists, scavenger animals receive less food points from many items than other carnivores. For example, while large carnivore animals get 3.5 shanks (7 points) from raw beef, scavengers only get 2.5 shanks (5 points).
Scavenger currently goes unused by ZAWA native animals, but is an option that exists in code for addon creators.


Shellfish is a semi-specialized piscivores diet. Many shellfish eating animals are filter-feeders, but they also eat small crustaceans and aquatic arthropods. With an investment into mussel boxes, maintaining them on a large scale is fairly easy.

Small carnivore

Small carnivore is used by Birds Of Prey, many Reptiles & small Mammals Animals that use the small carnivore diet are hypercarnivores, and can only eat raw meat from small prey. Feeding small carnivores is generally easier than large carnivores and can easily be achieved by farming brown rats.