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Something like:

  1. Install NodeJS
  2. cd frontend
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

(configure API root in src/config/dev.js)

If you are not working on the front-end and just need it to build for distribution/deployment, run npm install --production instead

Simulating Production Environment

Build distribution version of app (starting at repo root):

  1. cd frontend
  2. npm run dist
  3. cd ../public

Serve built front-end:

  1. python -mSimpleHTTPServer <port, defaults to 8000>


Quick Started

# Get code
$ go get -u

# Set environment variables
$ cp config/.envrc.example config/.envrc
$ source config/.envrc

# Setup postgres database
$ postgres=# CREATE USER acem;
$ postgres=# CREATE DATABASE acem_dev OWNER acem;

# Update dependencies and run migrations
$ go get -d -t ./...
$ go run db/reset.go
$ go run db/seeds.go

# Setup environment

# Run Application
$ go run main.go

Asset Sharing

Assets are shared between JS frontend and Go backend templates. Assets are created via Webpack and output to public/assets. Any files in frontend/public are copied directly to public/.

Generated assets are listed in public/assets/manifest.json (generated when frontend is built with env=dist).

Go backend reads this file and provides a template function asset that will map the input asset filename to the generated asset.

In development (or rather, if the environment variable SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS is not blank, the Go backend will serve assets from http://.../assets directly, mapping to public/assets.

In production, assets should be served by Nginx directly from the public directory (via tryfiles).