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Hellowlol edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 2 revisions

install newer then 2.2.1, make sure the plugins are installed.

verify that by going to

from command prompt path/to/vlc.exe --intf http --http-port={interface-port} --http-password={password} --rtsp-port={transcode-port}

Problems First check if your browser is not asking permission to run VLC, maybe on the popup window you can't see the warning.

Second, check if HTPC Manager can communicate with VLC, in "Manage VLC" it shows a error or just says there are no transcode instances running (as expected)?

Also check if you really put 8001 on HTTP transcode port, since it only have a placeholder, without default value.

Beside that, you can try to put VLC interface ip and port on browser, you should see the web interface (leave login blank, use just the password).

If you try to put the ip and transcode port on the browser you should also see a VLC 404 error.

Htpc Manager will communicate with VLC VLM interface on "HTTP interface IP/Host" at "Interface port" (command line switch --http-port) and the transcoding will be available on "HTTP transcode port" (command line switch --rtsp-port). Password is also required.

Third, this version (2.2.1) have a problem with h264 transcoding (my mistake when I said 2.2.0). Try the nightly build of VLC or the medium profile.

Note that you can change profile on kodiplayer interface itself.

The high profile uses Webm that apparently is not compatible with VLC http streaming (as I said, I need to do more tests).

The medium profile uses Ogg that can play on MediaElement.js HTML5 player.

The low profile user Flv that can play on Flash fallback, but it also uses h264 encoding that is broken in 2.2.1 stable.

See that 2.2.2 will be released in a few weeks.

supported formats:
