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The project has been commented with Python docstrings, so detailed information about the classes and methods can be found by running pydoc3 -b from the project's root folder and opening the mkbsc module in the browser. While each method has an explanation of its use and parameters, the code itself is less commented as well as a bit messy in some places (one of the authors was a bit too fond of list comprehensions).

Below is a quick rundown of some of the important classes and functions in the package. To use them, simply import them into your script with e.g. from mkbsc import MultiplayerGame, export, iterate_until_isomorphic.


The most important class in the package. It can represent both single- and multi-player games. Instances of this class should be considered to be immutable.

.create(content, initial, alphabet, transition_edges, state_groupings, **attributes)

Returns: An instance of MultiplayerGame

Creates and validates a new multi-player game. The attributes are optional and are passed to Graphviz when exporting the game. How to format the arguments is described in detail in the tutorial below.


Returns: An instance of MultiplayerGame

Projects the game onto the specified (zero-indexed) player, the result being a single-player game.


Returns: An instance of MultiplayerGame

Applies the appropriate Knowledge-Based Subset Construct to the game and returns the constructed game.

.isomorphic(other, consider_observations = False)

Returns: True or False

Checks if the graph of the game is isomorphic to that of other. By default, it only looks at the transitions and initial states of the games. If consider_observations is True, it will also require the observations to partition the games in the same way for them to be isomorphic.

.post(action, states)

Returns: A set of State objects

Implementation of the Post-operator. action is a (joint) action in the game's alphabet, and states is an iterable of State objects (just the knowledge in the states, e.g. [0, 2], will not work).


Returns: An instance of State

Find the state in the game with the specified knowledge.


Returns: A set of State objects

Get all State objects which are consistent with the specified base.

export(game, filename, view = True, folder = "pictures", epistemic = "nice", supress_edges = False, group_observations = None, target_states = None, **kwargs)

Exports game as a PNG image in "filename.png". If view is True, it also opens the picture afterwards. folder specifies which directory to save the image in. epistemic determines how the information in the states are rendered. The default is "nice", which tries to balance readability and compactness, and another option is "isocheck", which only renders the consistent base of the states. If supress_edges is True, the transitions in the graph will have no action labels. group_observations = True attempts to render dashed boxes around the states in an observation rather than dashed, complete graphs between them, but is a bit buggy and only works with single-player games. Finally, target_states is an iterable of the consistent bases which should be marked in the rendered image. For example, [[3], [0, 1]] marks the states whose consistent base is either {3} or {0, 1}. Can be used to mark states for reachability or safety objectives, for instance. Any keyword parameters not mentioned here are passed on to the MultiplayerGame.to_dot() function.

iterate_until_isomorphic(G, limit = -1, print_size = False, verbose = True)

Returns: A tuple (log, G_final, iso_type), where log is an iterable, G_final is a MultiplayerGame, and iso_type is 0, 1 or 2.

Iterates the MKBSC on G until an iteration is isomorphic to the previous one with regards to observations, or limit iterations has been completed. -1 disables the limit. If print_size is True, it will print the sizes of the games as the iteration runs. If verbose is True, extra information is added to the printed message and log. The retuned log will contain the same information which is printed with print_size set to True. G_final will be the last game in the iteration, unless the last game is isomorphic to the second to last game with regards to observations. In that case, G_final will be the second to last game. iso_type will be 0 if the game did not stabilize, 1 if the last game was isomorphic to the second to last but not w.r.t. observations, and 2 if the last game was isomorphic to the second to last w.r.t. observations.


Alphabet of actions for multi-player games. Can be iterated over or accessed by index to retrieve the players' individual action alphabets as tuples.


Returns: An iterator.

Yields every possible joint action. Usually used in loops, e.g. for joint_action in G.alphabet.permute().


The objects which contain the knowledge of all the players, and make up the vertices in the game graph. The knowledge of a player can be accessed by index, e.g. s[1] for player 1's knowledge in state s.


Returns: A set of State objects.

Returns the states in the base game that are consistent with the knowledge in this state.


The tutorial assumes that the reader is familiar with multi-player games of imperfect information

When creating a game, will usually look something like the following:

from mkbsc import MultiplayerGame, export, iterate_until_isomorphic

L = [0, 1, 2]
#initial state
L0 = 0
#action alphabet
Sigma = (("w", "p"), ("w", "p"))
#action labeled transitions
Delta = [
    (0, ("p", "p"), 0), (0, ("w", "w"), 0),
    (0, ("w", "p"), 1), (0, ("p", "w"), 2),
    (1, ("p", "p"), 1), (1, ("w", "w"), 1),
    (1, ("w", "p"), 2), (1, ("p", "w"), 0),
    (2, ("p", "p"), 2), (2, ("w", "w"), 2),
    (2, ("w", "p"), 0), (2, ("p", "w"), 1)
#observation partitioning
Obs = [
    [[0, 1], [2]],
    [[0, 2], [1]]

#G is a MultiplayerGame-object
G = MultiplayerGame.create(L, L0, Sigma, Delta, Obs)

#operations on G below...

There are five components to a game:

  • The states are represented by L, which is an iterable of unique numbers or strings. ['initial', 'good', 'bad', 'win', 'lose'] is valid, just like [0, 1, 2] or range(3) (which are equivalent).
  • The initial state is represented by L0, an element in L.
  • The action alphabet is represented by Sigma. Sigma is an iterable where the elements are the individual action alphabets of each player. These individual action alphabets should be iterables of strings. For example, if player 0 can wait or push the individual alphabet is ('wait', 'push'). If player 1 can jump or push their action alphabet is ('jump', 'push'), and the total becomes Sigma = [('wait', 'push'), ('jump', 'push')]. If the actions are single letters (e.g. 'w' and 'p' for the former and 'j' and 'p' for the latter), the individual alphabet can be a single string ('wp' or 'jp'), and the total Sigma can be written as ['wp', 'jp'].
  • The transitions are represented by Delta. Delta is an iterable where the elements define the specific transitions. The elements are 3-tuples (or equivalent iterables) such as (0, ('wait', 'push'), 1), which would represent a transition from state 0 to state 1 with the joint action ('wait', 'push'). Just like in the alphabets, if the actions are single letters (here 'w' and 'p'), the transition could be written as (0, 'wp', 1). The Ellipsis object in Python, written as ..., can be used to indicate that every joint action should lead between the specified states. In the example above, (0, ..., 1) would expand to (0, 'ww', 1), (0, 'wp', 1), (0, 'pw', 1), and (0, 'pp', 1). Furthermore, there is a quick way to specify that an action should lead to multiple states. Writing a set of receiving states, such as in (0, 'wp', {1, 2}), expands to (0, 'wp', 1) and (0, 'wp', 2). These features can be combined - for example, (0, ..., {0, 1}) means that every joint action can lead to either 0 or 1.
  • The observation partitionings is represented by Obs, which is an iterable of the partitioning of each player. An observation is defined as an iterable of states, e.g. [1, 2] for an equivalence between 1 and 2. Singleton observations are allowed as well, e.g. [0]. These are combined in an iterable for each player, for instance [[1, 2], [0]], in which every state must occur exactly once. In a partitioning, the Ellipsis ... can be used to signal that all states which do not occur should form singleton observations. That is, [[0, 1], ...] could replace player 0's partitioning in the example file above.
#continuation of the above file example

#we export the game to see what it looks like
#the resulting image is saved to "pictures/G.png" and should open automatically
export(G, "G")

#we can apply the MKBSC to G by simply calling G.KBSC()

#we can apply the MKBSC again to the constructed game in the same way,
#or construct G2K directly by G.KBSC().KBSC()

#we can project any multi-player game onto a player as follows
G2K0 = G2K.project(0)

#we export this game as well, but do not open it automatically
#we also mark all states which correspond to state 0 in G
export(G2K0, "G2K0", view = False, target_states = [[0]])

#we iterate the MKBSC until the game stabilizes, but at most ten times
#during the iteration we print the sizes to the console
log, G_final, iso = iterate_until_isomorphic(G, 10, True)

#we export the resulting game but only render the consistent base of the states,
#as the image otherwise would be very large
export(G_final, "very_iterated_G", view = False, epistemic = "isocheck")