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Guide: Electrum Hemis

tafkat edited this page May 28, 2024 · 7 revisions

What is Electrum Hemis?

Electrum Hemis is a port of the popular Electrum light wallet that was originally developed for Bitcoin in 2011. A light wallet is a wallet that does not keep a full copy of the blockchain, but instead connects to a full node server. This allows for faster synchronisation without compromising security.

Why was Electrum ported to Hemis?

The Electrum infrastructure offers a lot beyond the basic light wallet. It will allow support for hardware wallets such as Trezor and Ledger, it supports Android and will be a building block for other future services.

Should I download this wallet?

If you want to try it out: sure. Its is not intended as a replacement for the Hemis Core wallet though. The Electrum Hemis wallet is very basic, and only supports basic transactions. You will not be able to stake, run Gamemasters or participate in the DAO through the Electrum wallet. However, since it is a light wallet it can be very useful for people with limitations in terms of hardware or internet connection.

How do I install it and how does it work?

You can install Electrum Hemis by downloading the correct installer for your system here:

For Windows: download the setup.exe. You can install it alongside Hemis Core.

Upon opening Electrum Hemis you will be asked to make a new wallet. You don't need to change anything in this screen. Just press 'Next'.

On the next screen you can again leave the default selection and press 'Next'.

Again, we leave the default selection on this screen and press 'Next'.

Electrum Hemis uses deterministic keys, which means you can create and restore a wallet from a seed phrase. Please follow the instructions carefully and BACK UP YOUR SEEDPHRASE. Without this seedphrase, you may lose access to any funds you store on the Electrum Hemis wallet. Press 'Next'.

The next screen will check that you backed up your seedphrase correctly. Enter the words you have backed up and press 'Next'.

We will now be asked to enter a password to encrypt our wallet. If you chose to encrypt your wallet, please back up your password as well. Press 'Finish'

Congratulations!, you are now running Electrum Hemis. You'll notice that the wallet is already synced by the time you complete the setup. The wallet is very basic and straightforward. Make sure to make tabs visible under 'View'. You can find your receiving addresses under 'Addresses'.

For a full and detailed explanation of all the functionality of the Electrum wallet we'd like to refer you to the official Electrum documentation over at:

Please note that this is documentation for Electrum Bitcoin. Not all of the functionality described in the official documentation is available for Electrum Hemis.