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Tomer Shalev edited this page Apr 27, 2015 · 25 revisions


a Feather/Starling extension of responsive/flexible ui controls and general mobile framework.

How to use

simply fork or download the project, you can also download the binary itself and link it to your project, or import to your IDE of choice such as Flash Builder 4.7. We support Starling 1.5 and Feathers 2 and at least version 15 of Adobe AIR SDK.



Every component is a FlexComp object, every flexible component has the following properties:

  • percentWidth - the width percentage of the control based on it's parent( or relativeCalcWidthParent)
  • percentHeight - the height percentage of the control based on it's parent( or relativeCalcHeightParent)
  • top, bottom, left, right - the margin in exact pixels
  • topPercentHeight, bottomPercentHeight - the margin based on percentages of parent height
  • leftPercentWidth, rightPercentWidth - the margin based on percentages of parent width
  • horizontalCenter - how far is the control from being centered horizontally
  • verticalCenter - how far is the control from being centered vertically
  • relativeCalcWidthParent - you can change the parent on which percentage based layout
  • relativeCalcHeightParent - you can change the parent on which percentage based layout
  • horizontalAlign, verticalAlign - layout property for children layout alignment
  • isSensitiveToParent - should the control be sensitive to his parent changes
  • id - identifier
  • backgroundSkin - a skin for background
  • a full set of core flexible components

    • FlexLabel resizes font size according to width/height.
    • FlexImage supports three scale modes STRECTH, LETTERBOX, ZOOM
    • FlexButton resizes both default icon and font's size.
    • FlexQuad - flex version of Quad
    • FlexList - flex version of List
    • FlexTextInput - flex version of TextInput
    • DynamicTextInput - a realtime dynamic font sizing textinput to fit text in a frame
  • a set of layout flexible components

    • ActionBar a very lite Action Bar component packed with flex features
    • HGroup robust horizontal layout
    • VGroup robust vertical layout
    • FlexTabBar a tab bar
    • FlexTabBarC another version of tab bar
  • a set of dialog flexible components

    • DatePickerDialog date picker dialog
    • TimePickerDialog time picker dialog
    • DateAndTimePickerDialog date and time picker dialog
    • Dialog general dialog with provided content
    • WarningDialog a warning dialog
    • PopupLoader a dialog with loader animation
  • a set of extended flexible components

    • PullDrawer - a drawer component
    • DatePicker a date picker component
    • TimePicker a time picker component
    • ZoomContainer a zoomable sprite
    • NumberPicker a number picker component
    • AnimatedControl a copntainer that can perform vertical toggle aniamtion
    • FlexPageIndicator flex page indication
    • SnapList a list that snaps its closest item to the center
    • LabelList a vertical snap list of numbers
    • MagnifyList a horizontal snap list that magnifies it's content
    • LazyList lazy image list
    • MainWindow a main window with navigator
    • HamMainWindow a main window with hamburger drawer
    • AudioNote an audio recording component
    • BitmapLayersComposer flash based image composer, works with a data provider with layout options. great for dynamic splash screens
    • BidiTextField Bidirectional Text field for bitmap fonts. based on another repository i have published
  • a set of widgets

    • ListUpdateWidget - a widget that hooks to a list to augment it with pull to refresh feature.
    • SimpleLoader - a simple rotating image


  • data tech

    • ImageStreamer - use HTTP to ask for images, cache them, and get notified when they arrive
    • SQLSerialData - a humble SQL lite ORM wrapper over serialized data structure
  • utilities

    • Serialization, Bitmap, Calendar and more utilities
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