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Closed Sep 9, 2021 100% complete

2021-09-09: Submitted parallelly 1.28.1 with \donttest{}, which reached CRAN less than an hour later.
2021-09-01: Inquired/replied regarding CRAN incoming check NOTE on MS Windows regarding long running examples.
2021-08-27: "The submission team is on vacation till Sep 1, 2021."

CRAN incoming will produce a NOTE if one submits more than 6 package updates …

2021-09-09: Submitted parallelly 1.28.1 with \donttest{}, which reached CRAN less than an hour later.
2021-09-01: Inquired/replied regarding CRAN incoming check NOTE on MS Windows regarding long running examples.
2021-08-27: "The submission team is on vacation till Sep 1, 2021."

CRAN incoming will produce a NOTE if one submits more than 6 package updates within 180 days. Using as.Date() + 180, gives:

20210712-20210914: 2 submissions left
20210915-20212106: 3 submissions left
20211207-20212130: 4 submissions left

This milestone is closed.

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