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A header-only C++ library for Monte-Carlo sampling of cylic polygons with prescribed edge lengths.


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CoBarS - Conformal Barycenter Sampling

by Jason Cantarella and Henrik Schumacher

A header-only C++ library for Monte-Carlo sampling of cylic polygons with prescribed edge lengths.


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CoBarS is a header-only library with no dependencies other than the C++ Standard Library and the Standard Template Library.

CoBarS uses some external pseudorandom number generators. Thanks to their permissive licenses, their code can be inline their code into this repository, so that the user does not have to install anything. These are the pseudorandom number generators:

  • PCG - Permuted Congruential Generator pcg64 by Melissa O'Neill.

  • wy - an implementation of wyrand by Alain Espinosa.

  • Xoshiro256+ by Ryo Suzuki. It implements xoshiro256+, a pseudorandom number generator by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna.


CoBarS is a header-only library. Just include the header CoBarS.hpp into your C++ program via

#include "CoBarS.hpp"    

You can find a more detailed version of the following example in the example program in Example_RandomClosedPolygon/main.cpp. Suppose we want to create random, equilateral 64-gons along with their sampling weights. We first create a CoBarS::Sampler object; this is the main class of the package.

constexpr int d = 3; // Dimensions of the ambient space has to be a compile-time constant.
const int edge_count = 64;

// Create an instance of the CoBarS sampler.
// This assumes that equilateral polygons shall be created.
CoBarS::Sampler<d,double,std::size_t> S (edge_count);

Next we need some buffers to store the random polygons and the sampling weights. You can allocated them yourself, but we use the container std::vector from the STL.

const std::size_t sample_count = 10000000;

// Create containers for the polygons `p` and sampling weights `K`.
std::vector<double> p ( sample_count * (edge_count + 1) * d );
std::vector<double> K ( sample_count );

Finally submit the buffers to the member function CreateRandomClosedPolygons:

// Whether we want the sampling weights for the quotient space of polygons modulo SO(d) (`quot_space_Q = true`) or not (`quot_space_Q = false`).
const bool quot_space_Q = true;

const std::size_t thread_count = 8;

    &p[0], &K[0], sample_count, quot_space_Q, thread_count

Further useful routines are the following member functions of the class CoBarS::Sampler:

  • Sample - Sample the values of various random functions without wasting memory for the storing all polygons at once.

  • BinnedSample - Sample into bins and sample moments of various random functions without wasting memory for the storing samples.

  • ConfidenceSample - Sample mean and variance of various random functions until the confidence intervals of prescibed radius become confidence intervals of desired confidence level.


We developped and tested CoBarS most thoroughly with the Apple clang compiler on macos Sonoma. It should also work with other clang distributions and with gcc. However, clang will produce faster executables as we have not optimized our code for gcc. (Pull requests with optimizations for gcc and for other architectures are welcome.)

CoBarS uses several C++ 20 features, so make sure to use a compatible C++ implementation by issueing the compiler option -std=c++20 (or higher).

Parallelization is facilitated by std::thread from the C++ Standard Library. So you have to use the compiler option -pthread.

Optimization flags like -O3 or even -Ofast are certainly a good idea. I also found that using -flto can make a measurable difference (but it ramps up compile time).

With clang as compiler you also have to issue -fenable-matrix to enable the clang matrix extension.

As already said, CoBarS is a header-only library. So no external libraries have to be linked.

See also the example programs in the directories Example_RandomClosedPolygon, Example_Sample_Binned, and Example_ConfidenceSample for usage examples and more detailed compilation instructions.

See also CoBarSLink for a more user-friendly Mathematica package.


A header-only C++ library for Monte-Carlo sampling of cylic polygons with prescribed edge lengths.








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