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Home Assistant Addons

HerbFargus edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 1 revision

There are a variety of addons that can be installed with Home Assistant, some more useful than others.

You can go to Supervisor>Add-on store to install local or custom addons.

One really useful addon is the Samba Share addon

This is the configuration I used to install it:

workgroup: WORKGROUP
username: hassio
password: password
interface: wlan0
  - 'fe80::/10'
  - ._*
  - .DS_Store
  - Thumbs.db
  - icon?
  - .Trashes
compatibility_mode: false

if everything works correctly it should show up in your network folder but if not you can use the IP address to connect to it eg \\ then just use the credentials you set above to sign in.

Another addon if samba doesn't work is the File Editor (formerly known as the configurator).