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Caculator, Basic UIkit, and MLkit

This iOS app development is my second iOS app which uses basic UIkit components and Apple new technology in MLkit There are some reference links, if you want more detail knowledges in MLkit, you can follow the links below. link1: APPCODA MLkit Intro
link2: Introducing Core ML - WWDC2017
link3: Core ML in depth - WWDC2017

First, I am going to show you the complete app product, so you can see the pictures below.
I use tabView to spilt Caculator, Currency converter, and MLkit demo into three different view.
You can use different tab to try three different functions in the app.

CalculatorCurrency ConverterMLkit Demo

These is first glimpse of our app. Now I am going to take about our app in more deeper way.

  • At first, I want to talk about MLkit. Apple announce the MLkit in WWDC 2017 this year. It helps app developer build app with Machine Learning in easier way.
  • You only need to download the machine learning model what you want, convert it into .mlmodel, and import it to Xcode. Next,you have to let input data transform to specific format. You can start to predict the object.
  • MLkit supports many different kinds of appication, such as image detection, semantic analysis... and so on. You can see the below picture, it is talking about what input data type supports in the MLkit, and what is the data type you have to be converted into before predicting

MLkit Flow

From picture previously show, we can see each input has its own specific input data type. For this project, we are going to make a image detection, so we are going to transform the UIimage type to the CVPixelBuffer later. Before we begin programming, I want to talk about MLmodel.

  • MLmodel : It is the file format built by Apple and used for MLKit.
    • In this project you can download the model from the Apple Developer MLKit Website
    • You also can build the MLModel by yourself, but we don't talk how to build MLModel now.
    • When you download the image mlmodel, you can open it with your Xcode, and you can see the information about your model.

    Xcode MLKit information

    The picture above introduce the information in Xcode after opening the MLModel. You can see the basic description, and the input and output data type for the image. You have to follow the information it gives, and you can use the model in your app.

After you know the input format and detailed information in your app. We can start to build our app, and in your mind, you must have the below process when you design the program

  1. Select the image from photo library and resize the image into specific size
  2. Transform the UIimage object into specific CVPixelBuffer object
  3. Prediction
  4. Display the prediction result

1. Select the image from photo library and resize the image into specific size

  • For select the image from photo library, we use UIImagePickerControllerDelegate and UINavigationControllerDelegate to open the photo library, so you have to import it in the first controller line.
  • You can drag the image view from your mainstory board, and also drag a button called import image on your storyboard
  • Set up the click action - imagetap on your mainstory board, and link it on your button
  • Now we are going to open the photo library.
     let imagePickerController = UIImagePickerController() //new the UIImagePickerController
         imagePickerController.sourceType = .photoLibrary // set up the photoLibrary
         imagePickerController.delegate = self
         present(imagePickerController,animated: true,completion: nil) // open the photoLibrary
  • Set up the cancel and finish action in photo Library
    • cancel : we only need to dismiss it
      func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_ picker: UIImagePickerController) {
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: {print("cancel")})
    • finish : we have to select the image and resize it
     func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
        guard let selectedImg = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage else{ 
            // select the image, if it choose in fail, go to else statement
            fatalError("Expected a dictionary containing an image, but was provided the following: \(info)")
        var resizeImg = PhotoGalleryCropping().cropToSquare(image:selectedImg) 
        // Because of size, we have to crop the image to square and resize it. 
        // When we import the image, if the image is rectangle, we are going to crop the image to square size
         // start to resize the image 
        let imageSize = resizeImg.size
        let widthRatio = targetSize.width / imageSize.width
        let heightRatio = targetSize.height / imageSize.height
        var newSize : CGSize
        if(widthRatio > heightRatio){
            newSize = CGSize(width: widthRatio * imageSize.width , height: heightRatio * imageSize.height)
            newSize = CGSize(width: widthRatio * imageSize.width , height: heightRatio * imageSize.height)
        var canvas = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: targetSize.width, height: targetSize.height)
        // draw the image, this one is in Core Graphic framework, we don't talk about now.
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, 1.0)
        resizeImg.draw(in: canvas)
        // Get the current context on image
        let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        //close the image 
        // set up image on the imageView
        photoImageView.image = newImage
        displayLabel.text="Unprocessed Image"
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: {print("select image successfully")})


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