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This provides controls for using GenericParameterCollection in the Blazor by using Radzen.Blazor.

How to use this package

The easiest way to use the package is to download it from nuget:

Initial setup of Radzen

This package uses Radzen, including ToolTip-functionality. This must be set up correctly in the target project. If you are using Radzen already in the project, you will most likely not need to do anything, or eventually very little. See Radzen.Blazor's Getting Started-guide for what you eventually need to do.

Main features/controls


This is a Blazor-component. This is the main control that handles editing a given ParameterCollection object.

Properties and events

Here is a list of properties and events of the ParameterCollectionView-component.


Set this to the ParameterCollection the component should render.

Mark that the component will not automatically update the given ParameterCollection. To get the new value you need to either use the Get of this property, or using the NewParameterCollection-property you get in the OnChange-event.


This property let you set customized Options for how the ParameterCollectionView should look and behave.


This event is triggered each time the user do a change in the component.

When the event is triggered you will get an object that will contain both the new ParameterCollection, and the key to the parameter that was changed.

Mark: If you use this OnChange-event, you must currently manually set the new ParameterCollection to the ParameterCollection that is referenced in the component before the OnChange-event has exited. If not you may see that Blazor reloads the last version of the ParameterCollection.


Here you can define a list of custom comonent definitions.

This can be good to use if you for instance want a color picker for picking some colors, or have your own component you want to use for some parameter.


Do you have some custom converters you need to use for converting some custom value, or want to change how some value is converted in the ParameterCollectionView? Then you can define a list of theese here.

Example code

The example-code below sets the ParameterCollection inside a RadzenCard that also has a heading with the text "Parameters". This is gotten from the TestProject. See that to get even more understanding by how it is used.

    <Radzen.Blazor.RadzenText TextStyle="Radzen.Blazor.TextStyle.DisplayH2">Parameters</Radzen.Blazor.RadzenText>
    <ParameterCollectionView @ref="_parameterCollectionView" ParameterCollection="@_parameters" Options="@_options" OnChange="@(args => {
                                                                                                                                    _parameters = args.NewParameterCollection;
                                                                                                                                    Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}: ParameterCollection got update. Parameter updated was {args.ParameterKey ?? string.Empty}.");


The controls let you provide a ParameterCollectionViewOptions. Here you can define some customisation of how the control looks and works. Most are both self explanatory and well documented in code. Most of theese options can also be set for a specific parameter if the option AdditionalInfoWillOverride is set to true (default is true). Then one or more of the given parameters below can be given in a parameters additionalInfo.

Different options

Here is a list of parameters that can either be defined in ParameterCollectionPanelOptions or as a ParameterCollection (some can only be given in one, while many can be given both ways).

If you define this in a ParameterCollection-ParameterType, the changes will affect all parameters in that ParameterCollection.

Variable name in option-class Parameter key Type Description Default value in option-class
AdditionalInfoWillOverride additionalInfoWillOverride bool Can parameters from a ParameterCollection, like AdditionalInfo from a parameter, override the values defined in this options-object. Mark that if this is set to false in the Options-object that it uses as a base, this will have no effect. true
TooltipOptions tooltipOptions TooltipOptions Tooltip options for the form elements. null
TooltipOptionsFieldSet tooltipOptionsFieldSet TooltipOptions Tooltip options for any field sets (like any ParameterCollection-entries with default rendering). null
ShowParameterNameAsHumanReadable humanReadable bool Convert the parameter name to a human readable format. If set to false, the name will be shown as written, while if set to true, it will be altered to be read easily by a human, like setting first character to an upper character. Mark that this will only have an effect if it is the parameter key that is used. If another name is given, that will always be written as is. True
ReadOnly readOnly bool If true, the control that shows the parameters value should be read only/disabled False
ElementsDesignVariant elementsDesignVariant Variant Specifies what the design variant should be used on the controls. Outlined
AllowFloatingLabel allowFloatingLabel bool Specifies if the form labels are floating or not. true
ReadableParameterTextKey readableParameterTextKey string Specifies a parameter key to a parameter in a parameters additional info to use instead of the parameters key to show to the user. If the specified parameter can not be found (or converted to string), the given parameter's key is instead used. name
TooltipParameterTextKey tooltipParameterTextKey string Specifies a parameter key to a parameter in a parameters additional info to use for a tooltip. tooltip
MinNumber minNumber decimal Specifies what the lowest number that can be entered in a number-field is. decimal.MinValue
MaxNumber maxNumber decimal Specifies what the highest number that can be entered in a number-field is. decimal.MaxValue
StepInteger and StepDecimal step decimal Defines how much a number (both integers and decimals) should increment/decrement with if the increment/decrement buttons are used if int, 1, if a decimal-number, 0.1
StepInteger stepInt int Specifies how much the gui should increment the value on an int value if the step-button is pressed. 1
StepDecimal stepDecimal decimal Specifies how much the gui should increment the value on a decimal value if the step-button is pressed. 0.1
PlaceholderText placeholder string Specifies the placeholder text on controls that support that. string.Empty
IsPassword isPassword bool Specifies if strings should be shown as password (without readable characters). false
MaxNumberOfCharacters maxChars long? Specifies max number of characters that can be given in a text. null
NumberOfRowsInTextArea textareaRows int Specifies the number of rows a textarea will show. 5
NumberOfColumnsInTextArea textareaColumns int Specifies the number of columns (characters) a textarea will show horizontally. 100
AcceptedMimeTypes acceptedMimeTypes string[] Specifies what mime types are accepted when selecting file. null
ChooseFileText chooseFileText string Specifies the text to show on the Choose file button. Choose file
DeleteFileText deleteFileText string Specifies the text to show on the Delete file button. Delete
MaxFileSize maxFileSize int Specifies the max file size allowed. 5 * 1024 * 1024
FilePreviewHeight previewHeight int Specifies the height of the file preview. 300
FilePreviewWidth previewWidth int Specifies the width of the file preview. 500
MinDate minDate DateTime The earliest date that is possible to pick. DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1000)
MaxDate maxDate DateTime The latest date that is possible to pick. DateTime.Today.AddYears(1000)
DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormat string Specifies the time format to be shown in DateTime-parameters. g
DateFormat dateFormat string Specifies the time format to be shown in Date-parameters. d
HoursStep hoursStep decimal Specifies how much the gui should increment the hour when the hour step is clicked. 1.0
MinutesStep minutesStep decimal Specifies how much the gui should increment the minute when the minute step is clicked. 1.0
SecondsStep secondsStep decimal Specifies how much the gui should increment the second when the second step is clicked. 1.0
ShowCalenderWeek showCalendarWeek bool Show the given week in the calendar. true
CalendarWeekTitle calendarWeekTitle string Specifies the title of the week-column. #
MaxSelectedLabels maxSelectedLabels int Specifies the maximum number of selected labels to show in the DropDownList. 4
ShowLabelsAsChips showLabelsAsChips bool Specifies if you want the labels when seleecting multiple in a DropDownList should look likee chips instead of normal labels. false
SelectedItemsText selectedItemsText string Specifies the text shown after the number of items selected when selecting multiple items in a DropDownList. items selected
SelectAllItemsText selectAllItemsText string Specifies the text shown besides the checkmark to select all items when selecting multiple items in a DropDownList. string.Empty
BoolControlToUse boolControl BoolControl Specifies what type of bool control to use. Switch
UseVirtualizationOnList useVirtualizationOnList bool Specifies if lists should be virtualized. If not, the list will be paged. true
ListPageSize listPageSize int Specifies the size of each page if the list is paged. 5
AddEntryToListText addEntryToListText string Specifies the text on the button to add a new object to the list. Add
DeleteEntryFromListText deleteEntryFromListText string Specifies the text on the button to delete the given object from the list. Delete
DeleteEntryFromListAriaDescription deleteEntryFromListAriaDescription string Specifies the text used to describe the delete button on the given entry in a list for screen readers. You can use {0} to get the current number the entry are in the list, use {1} to get the parameters viewable name and {2} to get the current value. Delete entry number {0} from the list in parameter "{1}". The entry has the value "{2}".
AddEntryToListAriaDescription addEntryToListAriaDescription string Specifies the text used to describe the add button to add a new entry in a list for screen readers. You can use {0} to get the parameters viewable name. Add a new entry to the list in parameter "{0}".
defaultValue TValue (Generic baseed on value (IEnumerable)) This is used on IEnumerable-types to define their Default-value (which is their initial state when adding new value). If not defined, this will either be default(TValue) or String.Empty if TValue is string or DateTime.Now if TValue is DateTime.


Blazor implementation of an editor for GenericParameterConverter with the use of Radzen.Blazor-components







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