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This container builds on hpess/jre by adding elasticsearch. Currently installing elasticsearch 1.6.0


Here's an example docker-compose file. node_name and cluster_name are not required.

  image: hpess/elasticsearch
  hostname: elasticsearch
  privileged: true
    node_name: 'test_node'
    cluster_name: 'test_cluster'
    - "9200:9200/tcp" 
    - "9300:9300/tcp" 

NOTE: Privileged is now required, this is because we're setting memlock unlimited to ensure optimum performance of ES.


By default, only WARN and above will be visible in the stdout and subsequently docker logs. INFO and above are logged to /storage/logs


To make life easily, at start up we will attempt to import any index templates found in /storage/templates. For example, logstash.json would be uploaded with the name logstash and the contents of /storage/templates/logstash.json will be psoted as the contents.

Backing up

You can configure backups quite easily with the elasticsearch_backup environment variable. You must follow the exact syntax of: name:crontab:location:indices, for example to back up the kibana index every 30 minutes you would use my_kibana_backup:30 * * * *:/storage/backup/kibana:.kibana.

You can backup all indicies by omitting the final .kibana part, for example: all:30 * * * *:/storage/backup/all.

Remember, backups are deltad, please read: Backing up your Cluster.


In order for elasticsearch to configure itself in the most optimal way possible, you'll want to run the container privileged. This isn't required, but will do things like jvm malloc.


This docker application is distributed unter the MIT License (MIT).

Elasticsearch itself is licenced under the Apache License.