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Hex27 edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 1 revision


A 3-level large dungeon that spawns in Deserts. Pyramids will spawn an elevated base wherever they spawn in order to conceal the dungeon level. An elder guardian spawns in the topmost rooms to prevent players from breaking blocks. The elder guardian can be removed via config if you want.

Dungeon Level

This level is riddled with pressure traps and monster spawners. This level is the level that is connected to the entrance. Lower blocks are stone and andesite to aid in camouflaging pressure traps.

Cursed Chamber

A chamber of numerous skulls. Some skeletons will spawn here when the structure generates.

Sacrificial Pool

A pool of water containing some Guardians.

Trap Chest Room

Underneath this chest, there is a small tnt trap that triggers when the chest is opened.

Crypt Room

A room that spawns with a smaller room inside. A lever and piston door exists for the room. Husks spawn inside the closed room, along with a possible chest or two

Silverfish Nest

A room that has a silverfish spawner, along with more infested blocks.

Husk Tomb

A room with a husk spawner. Also contains a possible chest or two.

Labyrinth Level

The dungeon level leads to the labyrinth level, which mainly consists of narrow passages. Some small rooms (that spawn monsters when generated) will spawn here, along with one Husk Tomb.

Treasure Level

The uppermost level in the Pyramid. Contains most of the loot, with minimal dangers.

Elder Guardian Chamber

This is where the elder guardian resides. There are 4 gold blocks in total in the statues in this room.

Enchantment Antechamber

This room contains an enchantment table along with some decorations

Generic Antechamber

Contains various materials and blocks. Spawns logs, dead corals, pots and sometimes mob heads. Sometimes also includes contents for a buried treasure chest

War Antechamber

A room with various generated banners along with a single pillar with a precious block in it.

Terracotta Room

A room that has a glazed terracotta floor and terracotta walls. May be removed in future.

Treasure Room

Just a room that spawns chests with the desert pyramid loot table.