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Mobirise Sample Project

Download this Zip file and use Mobirise desktop to open the Project. You need have the code editor plugin installed / have access to modify the code inside the blocks.

To integrate HexaEight Sessions in Mobirise, you first need to configure HexaEight Token Server and create a new Client and obtain the Client ID.

The following changes were incorporated in order to enable authentication

  1. The script tags are added to the HOME page settings under Inside code
  2. There is a empty content6-f tag below the introduction block titled "Authentication demo". If you look at the code using code editor, there are two added for displaying appname and username
  3. Towards the end of the page you have a custom-script block which contains all the Javascript code for encryption/decryption, protection/dechipher and callback functions.

Remember to modify the Client ID and tokenserverurl in th custom script code to point to your application.

Finally Publish the site !!

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