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Discord Commands

Frostflake edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 20 revisions

.a, .achieve, .achievements
Achievements display. (currently unimplemented)

.c, .craft
Subcommands: craft, help, list
Craft items from a list of recipes, with optional modifiers.

.d, .daily
Subcommands: info
Daily item claim / login.

.e, .equip
Subcommands: stats, unequip
View and interact with your equipment.

.f, .follower
Subcommands: abandon, avatar, create, info, title
View information about your follower or create a new one.

.h, .help
Get help for playing the game and using commands.

.i, .inv, .inventory
Subcommands: equip, info, open, scrap, use
View and interact with your inventory.

.l, .lexicon
Subcommands: latest, random, SEARCH_TERM
Lookup anything in the lexicon to get more information.

Subcommands: nearby, travel
View your location or travel to a new location.

.m, .mat
Subcommands: categories, list, pack
View and interact with your crafting materials.

.q, .quest
Subcommands: abandon, redeem, info, start
View and interact with your follower's quests.

.r, .register
Syntax: ".register DEITY_NAME"
Register yourself as a Deity and gain the Deity role.

Subcommands: buy, info, list
Interact with shops at your location.

.s, .stats
Subcommands: FOLLOWER_NAME
View your follower's info card.

.w, .whisper
Grant divine guidance to one of your followers. (currently unimplemented)

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