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Discord Commands

Frostflake edited this page Jan 8, 2021 · 20 revisions

.a, .achieve, .achievements
Achievements display. (currently unimplemented)

.c, .craft
Crafting manager. (currently unimplemented)

.d, .daily
Daily item claim / login. (currently unimplemented)

.e, .equip, .equipment
View and interact with your equipment. (currently unimplemented)

.f, .follower
Subcommands: create, info
View information about your follower or create a new one.

.h, .help
Get help for playing the game and using commands.

.i, .inv, .inventory
View and interact with your inventory. (currently unimplemented)

.l, .lex, .lexicon, .lookup
Syntax: ".lexicon SEARCH_TERM" or ".lexicon latest"
Lookup anything in the lexicon to get more information.

.r, .reg, .register
Syntax: ".register DEITY_NAME"
Register yourself as a Deity and gain the Deity role.

.s, .stat, .stats
View your stats or the stats of any of your Followers. (currently unimplemented)

.t, .trade
Trade with other Deities. (currently unimplemented)

.w, .whisper
Grant divine guidance to one of your followers. (currently unimplemented)

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