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Inertia can now permutate over actions' parameter intersection to dec… #33

Inertia can now permutate over actions' parameter intersection to dec…

Inertia can now permutate over actions' parameter intersection to dec… #33

Workflow file for this run

on: [push, pull_request]
name: Build and Test
name: pddl_rs
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout sources
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Rust
uses: actions-rust-lang/setup-rust-toolchain@v1
toolchain: stable
components: rustfmt, clippy
- name: Rustfmt Check
uses: actions-rust-lang/rustfmt@v1
- name: Run cargo build
run: RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -A dead_code" cargo build --release
- name: Run cargo test
run: RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -A dead_code" cargo test --release --all-features