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Merge into master (#64)
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* Implemented page reordering via PUT /Exhibits/{id}, marked old event types as [Obsolete]

* ExhibitResult now makes use of the new Pages property

* Fixed a validation bug

* Removed unnecessary reference addition

* Pages no longer create a reference to the containing exhibit

* Simplified exhibit usage checks, reworked the areas that expected Exhibit.Referencees to contain page references (new functionality in ExhibitPageIndex is now used instead)

* Added stream metadata class (WIP)

* Implemented a new migration concept ("stream migration") that allows versioning of streams. Implemented such a "stream migration" that updates the event stream to support the new page ordering feature.

* Fixed: *Update-events were clearing the Referencees-list of the corresponding entity (thus e.g., only the pages created/updated after the latest ExhibitUpdate are shown for the exhibit)

* Bug fix in migration

* Migration fix

* Fixed ReSharper issues

* Minor documentation improvement

* Added Score Board class

* Cleanup of entity classes, more error handling

* Added missing [ProducesResponseType(400)]

* Hotfix

* Hotfix: DocRefList<T> was serialized as array (missing the fields 'Collection' and 'Database')

* Fixed a typo which caused the HTTP-route for tag deletion to be malformed (#36)

* Hotfix for updating exhibits

* Fixed: Whenever updating media, 'File' was set to null

* Changes to make pages "independent" from exhibits

* Implemented migration

* Added a warning when connecting to a production database during a debug session

* Added Score Record
Added API Calls
Fixed Sorting in Score Board

* Fixed errors

* Fixed R# error
Added validation for PUT API call

* Removed unused directive

* Removed unnesosry return types

* Minor clean-up

* Added Distinct()-calls to better handle duplicate IDs in JSON request arrays, added field ExhibitPageResult.Used

* Events are now emitted in batches by using transactions

* Bug fix

* Added migration code to make exhibits reference pages

* Removed usings

* Added removing file from storage (#40)

* TagsController.PostAsync now returns "201 Created" instead of "200 Ok", added some documentation

* Improved logging

* Bugfix in ReferencesIndex

* Reverted accidental change in *.DotSettings-file

* URL to "swagger.json" file is now configurable

* Renamed 'ContentBase.Referencees' to 'Referencers' to better reflect the meaning of that property

* HIPCMS-735: Remove status limitations when creating/updating entities (#44)

* Removed requirement for referenced entities to be published when creating or updating entities.

* Removed unused "using"

* HIPCMS-722: Implemented GET-methods for obtaining reference info (#45)

* Implemented "GET /api/<resource type>/<id>/Refs"-methods for obtaining reference info (or "usage info") for resources

* Added missing [ProducesResponseType(400)] attributes

* Removed empty lines

* Renamed ReferenceInfoResult properties for less confusion

* Added class OrderedSet

* DocRefList.Ids is now an ordered set, fixed DocRefExtensions.LoadAll(): now preserves order of IDs

* Hipcms 682 (#42)

* Added Rating System
--Rating system can be aplied to any ResourceType
--Added rating to Exhibits

* Added minor cleanup

* R# Error fixing

* R# ResourceType  redundance fixing

* Added changes:
--changed all url form 'rating' to 'Rating'
--public fields instead of properties.
--changed URL for exhibit/rating

* --Added savings of all user`s ratings in memory.
--Changed rating type to byte

* R# Error fixing

* No Storing Ratings in storage
Min-Max Rating now can be defined in one place

* Added stream migration, added cascading timestamps functionality to ReferencesIndex

* Modified controllers to return cascading timestamp instead of "flat" timestamp

* CRUD event types can now be excluded from the timestamp cascade mechanism

* Minor fix

* Fixed a bug

* Added Length Parameter to Call (#48)


* Completely removed ReferenceAdded/Removed events (necessary for correct timestamp propagation)

* Iss hipcms 670 testing (#50)

* HIPCMS-670

Project setup and first test.

* HIPCMS-670-Tests

Tests for tags controller.

* HIPCMS-670-Tests-For-Tags

* Implemented a very simple mechanism for accessing MVC services in tests (TestStartup makes services available in static MvcTestContext class)

* HIPCMS-670

Donw with tags tests

* Minor fixes

* Improved StreamMigrationArgs: When appending events they are now directly serialized to EventData (to prevent further modifications)

* Added a small bug-correcting migration

* fix in CorrectExhibitsMigration, reverted some changes of previous commit

* Fixed ReSharper warnings

* Renamed migrations so its easier to see their order

* Removed unnecessary file

* Updated some comments

* Added "Rank" field in response to API call api/ScoreBoard/{id} (#51)

* Added Rank field in response to API call api/ScoreBoard/{id}

* Fix R# errors

* Iss hipcms 729 (#52)

* Updated the webservice lib dependency to 2.0

* Setup auth0 usage

* Ignored .vscode folder

* Removed the old WebserviceLib dependency

* Set up all the controllers to use authorization & fixed a typo in the settings

* Implement authorization policies via scopes

* add missing library file

* renamed to lowercase

* Update HiP-DataStore.csproj

Test: Set webservice lib version to 1.0.0

* Revert "Update HiP-DataStore.csproj"

This reverts commit 72f8f17.

* used the public hip feed on

* Removed the webservice lib pkg - will be added via nuget feed on

* Copied nuget config to project root folder

* Removed obsolete nuget config and fixed a R# issue

* Fixed the docker build by referencing the dockerfile in the root folder

* Revert "Iss hipcms 729 (#52)" (#53)

This reverts commit c8deab6.

* Removed some types (moved to lib)

* Clean-up

* Clean-up

* Clean-up

* Bug fix

* Bug fixes

* Fixed ReSharper warnings

* Work in progress

* Add long domain to the CORS settings

* Moved more functionality to ESLib

* Removed migration notice (moved to ESLib)

* Projects now reference NuGet package "HiP-EventStoreLib" from our MyGet-feed

* Now using HiP-EventStoreLib v0.3.0 (class InMemoryCache)

* Iss hipcms 729 (#54)

* Updated the webservice lib dependency to 2.0

* Setup auth0 usage

* Ignored .vscode folder

* Removed the old WebserviceLib dependency

* Set up all the controllers to use authorization & fixed a typo in the settings

* Implement authorization policies via scopes

* add missing library file

* renamed to lowercase

* Update HiP-DataStore.csproj

Test: Set webservice lib version to 1.0.0

* Revert "Update HiP-DataStore.csproj"

This reverts commit 72f8f17.

* used the public hip feed on

* Removed the webservice lib pkg - will be added via nuget feed on

* Copied nuget config to project root folder

* Removed obsolete nuget config and fixed a R# issue

* Fixed the docker build by referencing the dockerfile in the root folder

* Changed API audience to WebAPI

(temp. fix for multiple-audience-problem)

* Changed audience and scopes definitions to use the new generic API def.

* Minor changes

* Upgraded projects to .NET Core 2.0, updated HiP-EventStoreLib to 0.6.0

* Update HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.7.0

* Updated dockerfile (now uses .NET Core 2.0 image)

* Updated NuGet.Config

* Updated docker file

* Moved NuGet.Config

* Updated dockerfile

* Moved NuGet.Config again

* Iss hipcms 667 (#56)

* Updated the webservice lib dependency to 2.0

* Setup auth0 usage

* Ignored .vscode folder

* Removed the old WebserviceLib dependency

* Set up all the controllers to use authorization & fixed a typo in the settings

* Implement authorization policies via scopes

* add missing library file

* renamed to lowercase

* Update HiP-DataStore.csproj

Test: Set webservice lib version to 1.0.0

* Revert "Update HiP-DataStore.csproj"

This reverts commit 72f8f17.

* used the public hip feed on

* Removed the webservice lib pkg - will be added via nuget feed on

* Copied nuget config to project root folder

* Removed obsolete nuget config and fixed a R# issue

* Fixed the docker build by referencing the dockerfile in the root folder

* Changed API audience to WebAPI

(temp. fix for multiple-audience-problem)

* Changed audience and scopes definitions to use the new generic API def.

* Added Roles and Id Substraction

* Added UserPermission Class

* Added Permissions to Media

* Deleting all permissions from get queries becouse there is no user content yet.

* Added restriction to all Types (which CMS using)

* Fixed version conflict of package "System.ValueTuple"

* Solved ReSharper errors

* Fixed a ReSharper warning

* Fixed a ReSharper warning, replaced "TO DO" with "TODO" (this way comments appear in Visual Studio's Task List)

* Moved MongoDB primitives (DocRef<>) to HiP-EventStoreLib, updated HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.9.0

* Updated NuGet dependencies, migrated authentication configuration in Startup class to new 2.0 authentication stack (see aspnet/Security#1310)

* Updated HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.10.0, updated EventStore.ClientAPI.NetCore to v4.0.2-rc

* Bugfix for Swagger UI

* Added validation of page IDs when creating/updating exhibits

* Added validation of audio ID when creating/updating exhibit pages

* Bug fix: Timestamp assignment was missing when emitting certain events

* Added to User Score System and Rating System (Exhibit Ratings) User authefication using access token

* Added User ID (owner) to all type of content

* Added Migration. Where we set admin as owner of old content

* Applied all auth rules to API call : POST/PUT/DELETE
Store in memory UserId for every content

* Changed Implementation of all API Call: GET

* Implemented filtering by page type

* Fixed auth-related exceptions (GetUserIdentity() now returns a UserIdentity-struct, thus avoiding exceptions and null handling)

* Removed debugging code

* Syntax fix

* Reverted: GetUserIdentity() now returns string again (returning a struct and overriding the ==-operator apparently breaks translation from LINQ to Mongo queries)

* Fixed minor merging issues

* Update master (#37) (#65)

* Implemented page reordering via PUT /Exhibits/{id}, marked old event types as [Obsolete]

* ExhibitResult now makes use of the new Pages property

* Fixed a validation bug

* Removed unnecessary reference addition

* Pages no longer create a reference to the containing exhibit

* Simplified exhibit usage checks, reworked the areas that expected Exhibit.Referencees to contain page references (new functionality in ExhibitPageIndex is now used instead)

* Added stream metadata class (WIP)

* Implemented a new migration concept ("stream migration") that allows versioning of streams. Implemented such a "stream migration" that updates the event stream to support the new page ordering feature.

* Fixed: *Update-events were clearing the Referencees-list of the corresponding entity (thus e.g., only the pages created/updated after the latest ExhibitUpdate are shown for the exhibit)

* Bug fix in migration

* Migration fix

* Fixed ReSharper issues

* Minor documentation improvement

* Cleanup of entity classes, more error handling

* Added missing [ProducesResponseType(400)]

* Hotfix

* Hotfix: DocRefList<T> was serialized as array (missing the fields 'Collection' and 'Database')

* Fixed a typo which caused the HTTP-route for tag deletion to be malformed (#36)

* HIPCMS-761: Moved event sourcing fundamentals to HiP-EventStoreLib (#57)

* Removed some types (moved to lib)

* Work in progress

* Moved more functionality to ESLib

* Removed migration notice (moved to ESLib)

* Projects now reference NuGet package "HiP-EventStoreLib" from our MyGet-feed

* Now using HiP-EventStoreLib v0.3.0 (class InMemoryCache)

* Minor changes

* Upgraded projects to .NET Core 2.0, updated HiP-EventStoreLib to 0.6.0

* Update HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.7.0

* Updated dockerfile (now uses .NET Core 2.0 image)

* Updated NuGet.Config

* Updated docker file

* Moved NuGet.Config

* Updated dockerfile

* Moved NuGet.Config again

* Moved MongoDB primitives (DocRef<>) to HiP-EventStoreLib, updated HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.9.0

* Updated NuGet dependencies, migrated authentication configuration in Startup class to new 2.0 authentication stack (see aspnet/Security#1310)

* Updated HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.10.0, updated EventStore.ClientAPI.NetCore to v4.0.2-rc

* Bugfix for Swagger UI

* Added validation of page IDs when creating/updating exhibits

* Added validation of audio ID when creating/updating exhibit pages

* Bug fix: Timestamp assignment was missing when emitting certain events

* Fixed minor merging issues

* Revert "HIPCMS-761: Moved event sourcing fundamentals to HiP-EventStoreLib (#57)" (#66)

This reverts commit 57e8ae7.

* Modified project file and Dockerfile (background: I was wondering why commands like "dotnet build" would not automatically pickup the "NuGet.Config" from our repo root folder. Turns out such commands were only looking for a "NuGet.Config" in the project folder because that was explicitly specified in the project file)

* Dockerfile changes (this should fix the libssl error; apparently, the Docker image "dotnet:2.0.0-sdk" is based on Debian Stretch instead of Debian Jessie like older versions, so we now use "dotnet:2.0.0-sdk-jessie")

* Update master (#37) (#68)

* Implemented page reordering via PUT /Exhibits/{id}, marked old event types as [Obsolete]

* ExhibitResult now makes use of the new Pages property

* Fixed a validation bug

* Removed unnecessary reference addition

* Pages no longer create a reference to the containing exhibit

* Simplified exhibit usage checks, reworked the areas that expected Exhibit.Referencees to contain page references (new functionality in ExhibitPageIndex is now used instead)

* Added stream metadata class (WIP)

* Implemented a new migration concept ("stream migration") that allows versioning of streams. Implemented such a "stream migration" that updates the event stream to support the new page ordering feature.

* Fixed: *Update-events were clearing the Referencees-list of the corresponding entity (thus e.g., only the pages created/updated after the latest ExhibitUpdate are shown for the exhibit)

* Bug fix in migration

* Migration fix

* Fixed ReSharper issues

* Minor documentation improvement

* Cleanup of entity classes, more error handling

* Added missing [ProducesResponseType(400)]

* Hotfix

* Hotfix: DocRefList<T> was serialized as array (missing the fields 'Collection' and 'Database')

* Fixed a typo which caused the HTTP-route for tag deletion to be malformed (#36)

* Hotfix (update HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.13.0) (#69)

* Updated HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.11.0

* Updated HiP-EventStoreLib to v0.13.0
  • Loading branch information
objectliteral authored and SvenEV committed Sep 25, 2017
1 parent 64c16d4 commit 8b12cd3
Show file tree
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Showing 2 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion HiP-DataStore.Model/HiP-DataStore.Model.csproj
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

<PackageReference Include="HiP-EventStoreLib" Version="0.10.0" />
<PackageReference Include="HiP-EventStoreLib" Version="0.13.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="10.0.3" />
<PackageReference Include="System.ComponentModel.Annotations" Version="4.4.0" />
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion HiP-DataStore/Core/EventStoreClient.cs
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ public class EventStoreClient
logger.LogInformation($"Connected to Event Store on '{uri.Host}', using stream '{_streamName}'");

// Update stream to the latest version
var migrationResult = StreamMigrator.MigrateAsync(_store, _streamName).Result;
var thisAssembly = typeof(Startup).Assembly;
var migrationResult = StreamMigrator.MigrateAsync(_store, _streamName, thisAssembly).Result;
if (migrationResult.fromVersion != migrationResult.toVersion)
logger.LogInformation($"Migrated stream '{_streamName}' from version '{migrationResult.fromVersion}' to version '{migrationResult.toVersion}'");

Expand Down

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